
Shengxiang Ge

Shengxiang Ge Professor

Position: Vice Dean

Email: sxge@xmu.edu.cn

Office: NIDVD, Xiang

Research Area: 1. In vitro diagnostic technology 2. Diagnostic biomarkers for tumors and infectious pathogens 3. Genetically engineered vaccine

Educational Background

B.S. Microbiology, Xiamen University, 1998

Ph.D. School of Life Sciences, Xiamen University, 2007

Work Experience

2007-present, leader IVD group of NIDVD

2007-present, School of Life Sciences/School of Public Health, Xiamen University, Lecturer/ Assistant Professor/ Associate Professor/ Professor

2014.5-2022.10, associate department chairman of the Department of Experimental Medicine, School of Public Health, Xiamen University

2022.10-present, the vice dean of School of Public Health, Xiamen University

Major Research Areas

1. In vitro diagnostic technology: molecular POCT platform based on microfluidic technology, ultra-sensitive immune detection technology, high-sensitivity detection method of miRNA, exosome direct capture detection technology.

2. In vitro diagnostic detection targets: targets of active tuberculosis detection, nasopharyngeal cancer screening, SARS-CoV-2 antibody detection targets, and new pancreatic cancer detection.

3. Genetically engineered vaccines: Research on rotavirus genetically engineered vaccines and their protective mechanisms.

4. Others: Macromolecule intracellular delivery system, de novo design of small proteins based on artificial intelligence.

Representative Achievements

Professor Ge has published nearly 200 SCI papers in journals such as the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), with a total citation count of 5,000+, and an H-index of 34. Owing 87 authorized invention patents, including 48 internationally authorized invention patents. As the main person in charge, the in vitro diagnostic products he participated in have obtained more than 120 medical device registration certificates, and obtained more than 30 overseas registration certificates such as WHO, PQ and FDA. He participated in the research of the world's first hepatitis E vaccine on the market, and presided over the on-going genetically engineered rotavirus vaccine which has been licensed to Sanofi Pasteur Co., Ltd.

Awards, Honors, and Social Appointments

Professor Ge has won the second prize of the National Technological Invention Award (2010), 庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年纪念章 (2019), China Patent Gold Award (2012), Qiu Shi Outstanding Scientific and Technological Achievement Collective Award (2015), Fujian Province Science and Technology Progress First Prize (2010, 2015), Baogang Outstanding Teacher (2020), Fujian Province Advanced Individual in Fighting the Covid-19 (2020) and other awards, Outstanding Innovation and Entrepreneurship Mentor of the 4th China College Students’ ‘Internet+’ Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (2018).

Secretary-General of the National In Vitro Diagnostic Industry Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance, innovative leader of the National Special Support Program, academic leader of the National Medical Products Administration’s Key Laboratory of Infectious Disease Detection Technology Research and Evaluation