
Ting Wu

Ting Wu Professor

Position: Ph.D. supervisor



Research Area: Clinical studies on the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, Clinical studies and epidemiological studies of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, epidemiological studies related to hepatitis E virus (HEV), studies on cytomegalovirus mother-to-child transmission risk, clinical studies of herpes zoster virus vaccine, etc.

Professor Ting Wu is a Ph.D. supervisor, serving as the group leader of Clinical Trials and Epidemiological Research at the National Institute of Diagnostics and Vaccine Development in Infectious Diseases. The primary studies focuses on vaccine clinical trials and epidemiological studies of infectious diseases.

Education Background:

1990-1994: Shanghai Medical University, major in Medicinal Chemistry, Bachelor's Degree

1994-1997: Shanghai Medical University, major in Biosynthetic Medicinal Chemistry, Master's Degree

1997-2000: Fudan University, major in Biosynthetic Medicinal Chemistry, Ph.D.

Work Experience:

2000-2002: Engineer at Yangshengtang Co., LTD

2003-2009: Lecturer at the School of Life Sciences, Xiamen University

2009-2011: Associate Professor at the School of Life Sciences, Xiamen University

2011-2015: Associate Professor at the School of Public Health, Xiamen University

2015-Present: Professor and Ph.D. Supervisor at the School of Public Health, Xiamen University

Main Research Topics: 

Clinical studies on the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, Clinical studies and epidemiological studies of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, epidemiological studies related to hepatitis E virus (HEV), studies on cytomegalovirus mother-to-child transmission risk, clinical studies of herpes zoster virus vaccine, etc. As one of the project leaders, Prof Wu successfully completed the clinical studies of the HPV 16/18 bivalent vaccine, which was approved in Dec 2019, becoming the first domestically produced HPV vaccine. In Oct 2021, it received prequalification (PQ) from the World Health Organization (WHO). She also played a key role as one of team members in completing the Phase III clinical trial of a recombinant HEV vaccine (National Class A new drug). This HEV vaccine has obtained a new drug certificate and production license, becoming the world's first available HEV vaccine. In her role as the clinical tiral leader, Prof. Wu supervised the global multicenter Phase III clinical trial of an influenza virus vector-based intranasal SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, which was one of the five major technical routes for SARS-CoV-2 vaccine in China. This intranasal vaccine was included in China’s emergency use list in Dec 2022. Additionally, as a principal investigator or participant, she has led or been involved in several national major science and technology projects on infectious diseases, National Natural Science Foundation projects, and major science and technology projects in Fujian Province.

Research Projects and Responsibilities:

Ÿ Central Guiding Local Science and Technology Development Special Project: "Global Multicenter Phase III Clinical Trial of Intranasal Spray Influenza Virus Vector COVID-19 Vaccine" - Project Leader.

Ÿ National Natural Science Foundation: "Long-term Protective Study on HPV Vaccination in Adolescent Females in China" - Project Leader, Jan 2023 to Dec 2026.

Ÿ Ministry of Science and Technology International Cooperation Division: "Pathways Research on Collaboration between the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Innovative Alliance for Epidemic Prevention" - Project Leader, Jul 2022 to Jul 2023.

Ÿ National Natural Science Foundation: "Dynamics and Clinical Significance of Antibody Production, Persistence, and Clearance in High-Risk HPV Naturally Infected Individuals" - Project Leader, Jan 2021 to Dec 2024.

Ÿ Key Research and Development Program: "Intranasal Spray COVID-19 Vaccine Based on Attenuated Influenza Vector" – Leader of clinical trial, Feb 2020 to Sep 2021.

Representative papers in the past three years:

[1] Huang SJ#, Zhang XF#, Su YY#, Zhuang CL#, Tang ZM#, Huang XC, Chen Q, Zhu KX, Hu XW, Ying D, Liu XH, Jiang HM, Zang X, Wang ZZ, Yang CL, Liu DL, Wang YJ, Tang Q, Shen WT, Cao HH, Pan HR, Ge SX, Huang Y, Wu T*, Zheng ZZ*, Zhu FC*, Zhang J*, Xia NS*. Long-term efficacy of a recombinant hepatitis E vaccine in adults: 10-year results from a randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial. Lancet, 2023. Accepted (共通讯作者)

[2] Zhu F#, Huang S#, Liu X#, Chen Q#, Zhuang C#, Zhao H, # Han J#, Jaen AM, Do TH, Peter JG, Dorado AG, Tirador LS, Zabat GMA, Villalobos REM, Gueco GP, Botha LLG, Iglesias Pertuz SP, Tan J, Zhu K, Quan J, Lin H, Huang Y, Jia J, Chu X, Chen J, Chen Y, Zhang T*, Su Y*, Li C*, Ye X*, Wu T*, Zhang J*, Xia N*; COVID-19-PRO-003 Study Team. Safety and efficacy of the intranasal spray SARS-CoV-2 vaccine dNS1-RBD: a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial. Lancet Respir Med. 2023 Dec;11(12):1075-1088. (共通讯作者)

[3] Zhu FC#, Zhong GH#, Huang WJ#, Chu K, Zhang L, Bi ZF, Zhu KX, Chen Q, Zheng TQ, Zhang ML, Liu S, Xu JB, Pan HX, Sun G, Zheng FZ, Zhang QF, Yi XM, Zhuang SJ, Huang SJ, Pan HR*, Su YY*, Wu T*, Zhang J*, Xia NS*. Head-to-head immunogenicity comparison of an Escherichia coli-produced 9-valent human papillomavirus vaccine and Gardasil 9 in women aged 18-26 years in China: a randomised blinded clinical trial. Lancet Infect Dis. 2023 Nov;23(11):1313-1322.

[4] Fang-Hui Zhao*, Ting Wu*, Yue-Mei Hu*, Li-Hui Wei*, Ming-Qiang Li*, Wei-Jin Huang*, Wen Chen*, Shou-Jie Huang*, Qin-Jing Pan, Xun Zhang, Ying Hong, Chao Zhao, Qing Li, Kai Chu, Yun-Fei Jiang, Ming-Zhu Li, Jie Tang, Cai-Hong Li, Dong-Ping Guo, Li-Dong Ke, Xin Wu, Xing-Mei Yao, Jian-Hui Nie, Bi-Zhen Lin, Yu-Qian Zhao, Meng Guo, Jun Zhao, Feng-Zhu Zheng, Xiao-Qian Xu, Ying-Ying Su, Qiu-Fen Zhang, Guang Sun, Feng-Cai Zhu, Shao-Wei Li, Yi-Min Li, Hui-Rong Pan, Jun Zhang#, You-Lin Qiao#, and Ning-Shao Xia#. Efficacy, Safety, and Immunogenicity of an Escherichia coli-Produced Human Papillomavirus (types 16 and 18) L1 Virus-like-particle Vaccine: end-of-study analysis of a phase 3 double-blind, randomized controlled trial. Lancet Infect Dis. 2022 Dec;22(12):1756-1768. (共第一作者)

[5] Zhu F#, Zhuang C#, Chu K#, Zhang L#, Zhao H#, Huang S, Su Y, Lin H, Yang C, Jiang H, Zang X, Liu D, Pan H, Hu Y, Liu X, Chen Q, Song Q, Quan J, Huang Z, Zhong G, Chen J, Han J, Sun H, Cui L, Li J, Chen Y*, Zhang T*, Ye X*, Li C*, Wu T*, Zhang J*, Xia N *. Safety and immunogenicity of a live-attenuated influenza virus vector-based intranasal SARS-CoV-2 vaccine in adults: randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 1 and 2 trials. Lancet Respir Med, 2022, 10(8): 749-760. (共通讯作者)

[6] Hu YM#, Bi ZF#, Zheng Y#, Zhang L#, Zheng FZ#, Chu K, Li YF, Chen Q, Quan JL, Hu XW, Huang XC, Zhu KX, Wang-Jiang YH, Jiang HM, Zang X, Liu DL, Yang CL, Pan HX, Zhang QF, Su YY, Huang SJ, Sun G*, Huang WJ*, Huang Y*, Wu T*, Zhang J, Xia NS. Immunogenicity and safety of an Escherichia coli-produced human papillomavirus (types 6/11/16/18/31/33/45/52/58) L1 virus-like-particle vaccine: a phase 2 double-blind, randomized, controlled trial. Sci Bull (Beijing). 2023 Oct 30;68(20):2448-2455.(共通讯作者)

[7] Mo ZJ#, Huang SJ#, Qiu LX#, Li CG#, Yu XJ#, Li MQ, Chen Z, Zhong GH, Pan DQ, Huang LR, Lv BJ, Cui XL, Song QQ, Jia JZ, Han JL, Wang W, Zhu H, Cheng T, Su YY, Li YM, Ye XZ*, Wu T*, Zhang J, Xia NS. Safety and immunogenicity of a skin- and neuro-attenuated live vaccine for varicella: a randomized, double-blind, controlled, dose-escalation and age de-escalation phase 1 clinical trial. Lancet Reg Health West Pac, 2023 Feb 18;34:100707. (共通讯作者)

[8] Chu K#, Bi ZF#, Huang WJ#, Li YF#, Zhang L, Yang CL, Jiang HM, Zang X, Chen Q, Liu DL, Pan HX, Huang Y, Zheng FZ, Zhang QF, Sun G, Su YY, Huang SJ*, Pan HR*, Wu T*, Hu YM, Zhang J, Zhu FC, Xia NS. Safety and immunogenicity of an Escherichia coli-produced 9-valent human papillomavirus L1 virus-like particle vaccine (types 6/11/16/18/31/33/45/52/58) in healthy adults: an open-label, dose-escalation phase 1 clinical trial. Lancet Reg Health West Pac, 2023 Mar 13;34:100731. (共通讯作者)

[9] Zhang L#, Jiang Y#, He JH#, Chen JY#, Qi RY#, Yuan LZ#, Shao TG#, Zhao H#, Chen CJ, Chen YD, Wang XJ, Lei X, Gao QX, Zhuang CL, Zhou M, Ma J, Liu W, Yang M, Fu R, Wu YT, Chen F, Xiong HL, Nie MF, Chen YY, Wu K, Fang MJ, Wang YB, Zheng ZZ, Huang SJ, Ge SX, Cheng SC, Zhu HC, Cheng T, Yuan Q, Wu T*, Zhang J*, Chen YX*, Zhang TY*, Li CG*, Qi H*, Guan Y*, Xia N*. Intranasal influenza-vectored COVID-19 vaccine restrains the SARS-CoV-2 inflammatory response in hamsters. Nat Commun. 2023 Jul 11;14(1):4117. (共通讯作者)

[10] Huang Y#, Tang J, Wang H, Yu H, Song Q, Guo X, Li C, Wang J, Liang C, Li S, Li S, Lin Z, Chen Q, Zhong G, Zhuang S, Su Y, Li T, Wu T*, Ge S*, Zhang J*, Xia N. Pre-existing maternal IgG antibodies as a protective factor against congenital cytomegalovirus infection: A mother-child prospective cohort study. EBioMedicine, 2022.77: 103885. (共通讯作者)

[11]  Chen J#, Wang P#, Yuan L#, Zhang L#, Zhang L#, Zhao H#, Chen C#, Wang X#, Han J#, Chen Y#, Jia J, Lu Z, Hong J, Lu Z, Wang Q, Chen R, Qi R, Ma J, Zhou M, Yu H, Zhuang C, Liu X, Han Q, Wang G, Su Y, Yuan Q, Cheng T, Wu T*, Ye X*, Zhang T*, Li C*, Zhang J*, Zhu H*, Chen Y*, Chen H*, Xia N*. A live attenuated virus-based intranasal COVID-19 vaccine provides rapid, prolonged, and broad protection against SARS-CoV-2. Sci Bull (Beijing), 2022 Jul 15;67(13):1372-1387. (共通讯作者)

[12]  Yao XM#, Chen W#, Zhao C#, Wei LH, Hu YM, Li MQ, Lin ZJ, Lin BZ, Liu XH, Hong Y, Li Q, Pan QJ, Zhang X, Li MZ, Zhao YQ, Zhang L, Xu HF, Hu FF, Zhao J, Huang Y, Sheng W, Zheng Y, Hu SY, Su YY, Huang SJ, Pan HR, Zhao FH*, Qiao YL*, Wu T*, Zhang J*, Xia NS*. Naturally acquired HPV antibodies against subsequent homotypic infection: A large-scale prospective cohort study. Lancet Reg Health West Pac, 2021, 16;13: 100196. (共通讯作者)

Awards and Honors:

Ÿ Outstanding Individual in the National Science and Technology System for Combating the COVID-19 Pandemic - Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China, 2021.

Ÿ Distinguished Scientific Achievement Collective Award - Qiu Shi Outstanding Science and Technology Achievement Award - Hong Kong Qiu Shi Science and Technology Foundation, International Academic Award, 2015. (Contributors: Xia Ningshao, Li Shaowei, Zhang Jun, Wu Ting, Huang Shoujie, Li Yimin, Ge Shengxiang, Gu Ying, Zheng Zizheng, Yuan Quan, Pan Huirong, Wu Wenhan, Zhao Qinjian, Shi Weiguo, Luo Wenxin, Chen Yixin, Cheng Tong, Yu Hai)

Ÿ "One of the My Favorite Ten Teachers" at Xiamen University in 2022.

Social Engagements:

Ÿ Aug 2023 - Present: Invited by the WHO R&D Blueprint Unit to serve as an expert in the Hepeviruses field for a WHO-led prioritization exercise assessing the risk of pathogens that could potentially lead to a PHEIC.

Ÿ Jan 2022 - Present: Member of the First Session of the Vaccine International Cooperation Promotion Branch of the China Vaccine Industry Association.

Ÿ Feb 2021 - Present: Member of the Vaccine Education Professional Committee of the China Vaccine Industry Association.

Ÿ Sep 2016 - Present: Member of the First and Second Sessions of the Vaccines and Immunization Branch of the Chinese Preventive Medicine Association.

Ÿ Sep 2016 - Present: Editorial Board Member for the Chinese Journal of Virology.

Ÿ May 2015 - Present: Member of the First and Second Sessions of the Cervical Pathology Subcommittee of the China Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (CSCCP).

Ÿ 2011 - Present: Member of the Expert Group on Foodborne Hepatitis E Virus in the European Union 7th Framework Program "Disease Control Tools" (DISCONTOOLS - EU FP7) project.


Professor Wu and her students.