

Representative publications in 2016

September 15, 2023

1. Zhou, Z.1, J. Song, L. Nie* and X. Chen*. Reactive Oxygen Species Generating Systems Meeting Challenges of Photodynamic Cancer Therapy. Chemical Society reviews; 2016, 45: 6597-6626. ( IF=34.09 )

2. Guo, Z. D.1, M. N. Gao, M. L. Song, Y. S. Li, D. L. Zhang, D. Xu, L. Y. You, L. L. Wang, R. Q. Zhuang, X. H. Su, T. Liu, J. Du and X. Z. Zhang*. Superfluorinated Pei Derivative Coupled with Tc-99m for Asgpr Targeted F-19 Mri/Spect/Pa Tri-Modality Imaging. Advanced Materials; 2016, 28:5898-+. ( IF=18.96 )

3. Liu, Y.1, N. Kang, J. Lv, Z. J. Zhou, Q. L. Zhao, L. C. Ma, Z. Chen, L. Ren* and L. M. Nie*. Deep Photoacoustic/Luminescence/Magnetic Resonance Multimodal Imaging in Living Subjects Using High-Efficiency Upconversion Nanocomposites. Advanced Materials; 2016, 28: 6411-+. ( IF=18.96 )

4. Fan, F.1, Z. He1, L. L. Kong1, Q. Chen1, Q. Yuan1, S. Zhang, J. Ye, H. Liu, X. Sun, J. Geng, L. Yuan, L. Hong, C. Xiao, W. Zhang, X. Sun, Y. Li, P. Wang, L. Huang, X. Wu, Z. Ji, Q. Wu, N. S. Xia, N. S. Gray, L. Chen, C. H. Yun*, X. Deng* and D. Zhou*. Pharmacological Targeting of Kinases Mst1 and Mst2 Augments Tissue Repair and Regeneration. Science Translational Medicine;2016, 8: 352ra108. ( IF=16.264 )

5. Sun, X.1*, Y. Li, T. Liu, Z. Li, X. Zhang* and X. Chen*. Peptide-Based Imaging Agents for Cancer Detection. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews;2016, 8: 2626-31. ( IF=15.606 )

6. Wang, J. Q.1, P. Mi1, G. Lin1, Y. X. J. Wang*, G. Liu* and X. Y. Chen*. Imaging-Guided Delivery of Rnai for Anticancer Treatment. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews; 2016, 104: 44-60. ( IF=15.606 )

7. Chen, H. L.1, M. L. Song1, J. Tang1, G. F. Hu, S. Y. Xu, Z. D. Guo, N. N. Li, J. B. Cui, X. Z. Zhang*, X. Y. Chen* and L. Y. Wang*. Ultrahigh F-19 Loaded Cu1.75s Nanoprobes for Simultaneous F-19 Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Photothermal Therapy. ACS Nano; 2016, 10: 1355-62. ( IF=13.334 )

8. Wang, Z. T.1, P. Huang*, O. Jacobson, Z. Wang, Y. J. Liu, L. S. Lin, J. Lin, N. Lu, H. M. Zhang, R. Tian, G. Niu, G. Liu* and X. Y. Chen*. Biomineralization-Inspired Synthesis of Copper Sulfide-Ferritin Nanocages as Cancer Theranostics. ACS Nano; 2016, 10: 3453-60. ( IF=13.334 )

9. Zhang, P.1, G. Liu* and X. Chen. Nanobiotechnology: Cell Membrane-Based Delivery Systems. Nano Today; 2016, DOI:10.1016/j.nantod. ( IF=13.157 )

10. Liu, Y. J.1, L. M. Nie* and X. Y. Chen*. Photoacoustic Molecular Imaging: From Multiscale Biomedical Applications Towards Early-Stage Theranostics. Trends in Biotechnology; 2016, 34: 420-33. ( IF=12.065 )

11. Nguyen D. V.1, S. W. Jiang, C. Y. He, Z. N. Lin*, N. B. Lin, A. T. Nguyen, L. F. Kang, M. Y. Han and X. Y. Liu*. Bioinspiration Making Possible from the Impossible: Elevating Biomedical Performance of ZnO/SiO2@Amorphous Calcium Phosphate. Advanced Functional Materials; 2016, 26: 6921-6929. ( IF=11.382 )

12. Wang, J.1, T. Shen1, X. B. Huang1, G. R. Kumar1, X. M. Chen, Z. Z. Zeng, R. Y. Zhang, R. Chen, T. Li, T. Y. Zhang, Q. Yuan, P. C. Li, Q. Huang, R. Colonno, J. D. Jia, J. L. Hou, M. A. McCrae, Z. L. Gao*, H. Ren*, N. S. Xia*, H. Zhuang and F. M. Lu*. Serum Hepatitis B Virus Rna Is Encapsidated Pregenome Rna That May Be Associated with Persistence of Viral Infection and Rebound. Journal of Hepatology; 2016, 65: 700-10. ( IF=10.59 )

13. Li, H.1, D. Zhang, M. Gao, L. Huang, L. Tang, Z. Li*, X. S. Chen and X. Zhang*. Highly Specific C-C Bond Cleavage Induced FRET Fluorescence for in vivo Biological Nitric Oxide Imaging. Chemical Science; 2016, DOI: 10.1039/C6SC04071C. ( IF=9.144 )

14. Chen, M.1, S. Chen1, C. He1, S. Mo, X. Wang, G. Liu* and N. Zheng*. Safety Profile of Two Dimensional Palladium Nanosheets for Photothermal Therapy and Photoacoustic Imaging. Nano Research; 2016, DOI: 10.1007/s12274-016-1349-6. ( IF=8.893 )

15. Chen, H.1, G. Wang, L. Lang, O. Jacobson, D. O. Kiesewetter, Y. Liu, Y. Ma, X. Zhang*, H. Wu*, L. Zhu*, G. Niu* and X. Chen*. Chemical Conjugation of Evans Blue Derivative: A Strategy to Develop Long-Acting Therapeutics through Albumin Binding. Theranostics; 2016, 6: 243-53. ( IF=8.854 )

16. Gao, S.1, G. Wang1, Z. Qin, X. Wang, G. Zhao*, Q. Ma* and L. Zhu*. Oxygen-Generating Hybrid Nanoparticles to Enhance Fluorescent/Photoacoustic/Ultrasound Imaging Guided Tumor Photodynamic Therapy. Biomaterials; 2016, 112: 324-35. ( IF=8.387 )

17. He, C.1, S. Jiang1, H. Jin1, S. Chen, G. Lin, H. Yao, X. Wang, P. Mi, Z. Ji, Y. Lin*, Z. Lin* and G. Liu*. Mitochondrial Electron Transport Chain Identified as a Novel Molecular Target of Spio Nanoparticles Mediated Cancer-Specific Cytotoxicity. Biomaterials; 2016, 83: 102-14. ( IF=8.387)

18. Xie, L. S.1, G. H. Wang1, H. Zhou, F. Zhang, Z. D. Guo, C. Liu, X. Z. Zhang and L. Zhu*. Functional Long Circulating Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes for Fluorescent/Photoacoustic Imaging-Guided Enhanced Phototherapy. Biomaterials; 2016, 103: 219-28. ( IF=8.387 )

19. Song, X. R.1, S. X. Yu, G. X. Jin, X. Wang, J. Chen, J. Li, G. Liu* and H. H. Yang*. Plant Polyphenol-Assisted Green Synthesis of Hollow Copt Alloy Nanoparticles for Dual-Modality Imaging Guided Photothermal Therapy. Small; 2016, 12: 1506-13. ( IF=8.315 )

20. Cao, J.1, H. An1, X. Huang, G. Fu, R. Zhuang, L. Zhu, J. Xie* and F. Zhang*. Monitoring of the Tumor Response to Nano-Graphene Oxide-Mediated Photothermal/Photodynamic Therapy by Diffusion-Weighted and Bold Mri. Nanoscale; 2016, 8: 10152-9. ( IF=7.76 )

21. Chu, C.1, S. Ge1, J. Zhang, H. Lin, G. Liu* and X. Chen. Enzyme-Free Colorimetric Determination of Ev71 Virus Using a 3d-Mno2-Peg Nanoflower and 4-Mba-Ma-Agnps. Nanoscale; 2016, 8: 16168-71. ( IF=7.76 )

22. Liu, H.1, J. Zhang, X. Chen, X. S. Du, J. L. Zhang, G. Liu* and W. G. Zhang. Application of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in Glioma Imaging and Therapy: From Bench to Bedside. Nanoscale; 2016, 8: 7808-26. ( IF=7.76 )

23. Fu, G.1, L. Zhu1, K. Yang, R. Zhuang, J. Xie* and F. Zhang*. Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Therapy Response Monitoring and Early Treatment Prediction of Photothermal Therapy. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces;2016, 8: 5137-47. ( IF=7.145 )

24. Wang, G. H.1, F. Zhang, R. Tian*, L. W. Zhang, G. F. Fu, L. L. Yang and L. Zhu*. Nanotubes-Embedded Indocyanine Green-Hyaluronic Acid Nanoparticles for Photoacoustic-Imaging-Guided Phototherapy. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces; 2016, 8: 5608-17. ( IF=7.145 )

25. Xie, L.1, Y. Tan1, Z. Wang*, H. Liu, N. Zhang, C. Zou, X. Liu, G. Liu, J. Lu and H. Zheng*. Epsilon-Caprolactone-Modified Polyethylenimine as Efficient Nanocarriers for Sirna Delivery in Vivo. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces;2016, 8: 2926129269. ( IF=7.145 )

26. Lin, G.1, M. Peng1, C. Chu, J. Zhang and G. Liu*. Inorganic Nanocarriers Overcoming Multidrug Resistance for Cancer Theranostics. Advanced Science; 2016, DOI: 10.1002/advs.201600134. ( IF=6.000 )

27. Zhang, P.1, R. Zhuang1, Z. Guo, X. Su, X. Chen* and X. Zhang*. A Highly Efficient Copper-Mediated Radioiodination Approach Using Aryl Boronic Acids. Chemistry- A European Journal; 2016, 22: 16783–16786. ( IF=5.771 )

28. Kang, N.1, Y. Liu, Y. M. Zhou, D. Wang, C. Chen, S. F. Ye, L. M. Nie* and L. Ren*. Phase and Size Control of Core-Shell Upconversion Nanocrystals Light up Deep Dual Luminescence Imaging and Ct in Vivo. Advanced Healthcare Materials; 2016, 5: 1356-63. ( IF=5.76 )

29. Li, W. T.1, *, Y. Y. Liu, J. L. Wu, Z. Y. Qian and L. M. Nie*. Tumor Cells Injury by Magnetic Nanoparticles under Ultrasound. Nanomedicine-Nanotechnology Biology and Medicine; 2016, 12: 569-. ( IF=5.671 )

30. Li, Z.1, *, X. Zhang, X. Zhang, M. Cui, J. Liu, X. Pan* and X. Zhang*. 18F-Labeled Benzyldiamine Derivatives as Novel Flexible Probes for Positron Emission Tomography of Cerebral β-Amyloid Plaques. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry;2016, 59: 10577–10585. ( IF=5.589 )

31. Luo, B.1, Y. Lin1, S. Jiang, L. Huang, H. Yao, Q. Zhuang, R. Zhao, H. Liu, C. He* and Z. Lin*. Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Eif2 Alpha-Atf4 Pathway-Mediated Cyclooxygenase-2 Induction Regulates Cadmium-Induced Autophagy in Kidney. Cell Death & Disease; 2016, 7: e2251. ( IF=5.378 )

32. Li, Z. H.1, X. D. Yan1, H. Yu, D. N. Wang, S. Song, Y. B. Li, M. Z. He, Q. Y. Hong, Q. B. Zheng, Q. J. Zhao, Y. Gu, J. Zhang, M. E. W. Janssen, G. Cardone, N. H. Olson, T. S. Baker*, S. W. Li* and N. S. Xia. The C-Terminal Arm of the Human Papillomavirus Major Capsid Protein Is Immunogenic and Involved in Virus-Host Interaction. Structure; 2016, 24: 874–885. ( IF=5.237)

33. Cai, W.1, Z. M. Tang1, G. P. Wen, S. L. Wang, W. F. Ji, M. Yang, D. Ying, Z. Z. Zheng* and N. S. Xia*. A High-Throughput Neutralizing Assay for Antibodies and Sera against Hepatitis E Virus. Scientific Reports; 2016, 6: 25141. ( IF=5.228 )

34. Chen, X.1, X. Kong1, W. Zhuang, B. Teng, X. Yu, S. Hua, S. Wang, F. Liang, D. Ma, S. Zhang, X. Zou, Y. Dai, W. Yang and Y. Zhang*. Dynamic Changes in Protein Interaction between Akap95 and Cx43 During Cell Cycle Progression of A549 Cells. Scientific Reports; 2016, 6: 21224. ( IF=5.228 )

35. Guo, Z.1, M. Gao, D. Zhang, Y. Li, M. Song, R. Zhuang, X. Su, G. Chen, T. Liu, P. Liu, H. Wu, J. Du and X. Zhang*. Simultaneous Spect Imaging of Multi-Targets to Assist in Identifying Hepatic Lesions. Scientific Reports; 2016, 6: 28812. ( IF=5.228 )

36. Lin, C.1, H. Li, M. Hao, D. Xiong, Y. Luo, C. Huang*, Q. Yuan, J. Zhang and N. Xia*. Increasing the Efficiency of Crispr/Cas9-Mediated Precise Genome Editing of Hsv-1 Virus in Human Cells. Scientific Reports; 2016, 6: 34531. ( IF=5.228 )

37. Liu, J.1, X. Z. Ye1, J. Z. Jia, R. Zhu, L. N. Wang, C. Y. Chen, L. W. Yang, Y. M. Wang, W. Wang, J. H. Ye, Y. M. Li, H. Zhu, Q. J. Zhao, T. Cheng* and N. S. Xia*. Serological Evaluation of Immunity to the Varicella-Zoster Virus Based on a Novel Competitive Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay. Scientific Reports; 2016, 6: 20577. ( IF=5.228 )

38. Mou, T. T.1, Z. Q. Zhao1, L. Y. You, Y. S. Li, Q. Wang, W. Fang*, J. Lu, C. Peng and X. Z. Zhang*. Synthesis and Evaluation of F-18-Labeled Pyridaben Analogues for Myocardial Perfusion Imaging in Mice, Rats and Chinese Mini-Swine. Scientific Reports; 2016, 6: 33450. ( IF=5.228 )

39. Su, C. H.1, Y. Lin1, L. Cai, Q. G. Mao and J. J. Niu*. Association between Mannose-Binding Lectin Variants, Haplotypes and Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Case-Control Study. Scientific Reports; 2016, 6: 32147. ( IF=5.228 )

40. Tang, Z. M.1, S. L. Wang, D. Ying, G. P. Wen, W. Cai, K. Zhang, W. F. Ji, M. Yang, Z. Z. Zheng* and N. S. Xia*. The Bama Miniature Swine Is Susceptible to Experimental Hev Infection. Scientific Reports; 2016, 6: 31813. ( IF=5.228 )

41. Xia, L.1, Y. Xian1, D. Wang, Y. Chen, X. Huang, X. Bi, H. Yu, Z. Fu, X. Liu, S. Li, Z. An, W. Luo*, Q. Zhao* and N. Xia. A Human Monoclonal Antibody against Hpv16 Recognizes an Immunodominant and Neutralizing Epitope Partially Overlapping with That of H16.V5. Scientific Reports; 2016, 6: 19042. ( IF=5.228 )

42. Zhang, D. L.1, Z. D. Guo, P. Zhang, Y. S. Li, X. H. Su, L. Y. You, M. N. Gao, C. Liu, H. Wu and X. Z. Zhang*. Simplified Quantification Method for in Vivo Spect/Ct Imaging of Asialoglycoprotein Receptor with Tc-99m-P(Vla-Co-Vni) to Assess and Stage Hepatic Fibrosis in Mice. Scientific Reports; 2016, 6: 25377. ( IF=5.228 )

43. Zhao, Q.1, C. Dai, S. Fan, J. Lv and L. Nie*. Synergistic Efficacy of Salicylic Acid with a Penetration Enhancer on Human Skin Monitored by Oct and Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy. Scientific Reports; 2016, 6: 34954. ( IF=5.228 )

44. Yang, L.1, Q. Mao1, S. Li, F. Gao, H. Zhao, Y. Liu, J. Wan, X. Ye, N. Xia, T. Cheng* and Z. Liang*. A Neonatal Mouse Model for the Evaluation of Antibodies and Vaccines against Coxsackievirus A6. Antiviral Research; 2016, 134: 50-7. ( IF=4.909 )

45. Zhang, X.1, K. H. Wang1, Q. S. Lin1, M. H. Zheng, Q. Li, T. T. Li, Q. Y. Hong, Q. B. Zheng, H. Yu*, Y. Gu, S. W. Li* and N. S. Xia*. A Shared N-Terminal Hydrophobic Tail for the Formation of Nanoparticulates. Nanomedicine; 2016, 11: 2289-303. ( IF=4.889 )

46. Su, Y. Y.1, S. J. Huang 1, M. Guo, J. Zhao, H. Yu, W.G. He, H.M. Jiang, Y.J. Wang, X.F. Zhang, J.P. Cai, C.L. Yang, Z.Z. Wang, F.C. Zhu, T. Wu*, J. Zhang* and N.S. Xia. Persistence of antibodies acquired by natural hepatitis E virus infection and effects of vaccination. Clinical Microbiology and Infection; 2016. doi: 10.1016/j.cmi.2016.10.029. ( IF=4.575 )

47. Hong, Y. A.1, *. Medical Tourism and Telemedicine: A New Frontier of an Old Business. Journal of Medical Internet Research.2016, 18: e115. ( IF=4.532 )

48. Zhu, D. L.1, Y. S. Qin, J. J. Wang, L. W. Zhang, S. J. Zou, X. H. Zhu* and L. Zhu*. Novel Glypican-3-Binding Peptide for in Vivo Hepatocellular Carcinoma Fluorescent Imaging. Bioconjugate Chemistry. 2016, 27: 831-9. ( IF=4.5 )

49. Mi, H. F.1, D. Wang1, Y. X. Xue, Z. Zhang, J. J. Niu*, Y. Z. Hong, K. Drlica and X. L. Zhao*. Dimethyl Sulfoxide Protects Escherichia Coli from Rapid Antimicrobial-Mediated Killing. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy; 2016, 60: 5054-8. ( IF=4.415 )

50. Chen, Y.1, K. H. Chan, C. Hong, Y. Kang, S. Ge, H. Chen, E. Y. Wong, S. Joseph, N. G. Patteril, U. Wernery, N. Xia, S. K. Lau and P. C. Woo*. A Highly Specific Rapid Antigen Detection Assay for on-Site Diagnosis of Mers. Journal of Infection; 2016, 73: 82-4. ( IF=4.382 )

51. Zhuang, Q.1, T. Zhou1, C. He, S. Zhang, Y. Qiu, B. Luo, R. Zhao, H. Liu, Y. Lin* and Z. Lin*. Protein Phosphatase 2a-B55delta Enhances Chemotherapy Sensitivity of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma under the Regulation of Microrna-133b. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research; 2016, 35: 67. ( IF=4.357 )

52. Liu, H.1, X. Chen, W. Xue, C. Chu, Y. Liu, H. Tong, X. Du, T. Xie, G. Liu* and W. Zhang*. Recombinant Epidermal Growth Factor-Like Domain-1 from Coagulation Factor Vii Functionalized Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Targeted Glioma Magnetic Resonance Imaging. International Journal of Nanomedicine; 2016, 11: 5099-108. ( IF=4.32 )

53. Wang, X.1, M. Li, S. W. Li, T. Wu, J. Zhang, N. S. Xia* and Q. J. Zhao*. Prophylaxis against Hepatitis E: At Risk Populations and Human Vaccines. Expert Review of Vaccines; 2016; 15: 815-27. ( IF=4.222 )

54. Wei, F.1, K. Yin1, X. Wu, J. Lan, S. J. Huang, W. Sheng, J. Zhao, Y. Y. Su, Y. Wang, Y. P. Li, R. C. Li, J. Zhang, M.Q. Li*, T. Wu*, N. X. Shao. Human papillomavirus prevalence and associated factors in women and men in south China: a population-based study. Emerging microbes & infections; 2016, 5: e119. ( IF=4.012 )

55. Fang, Y.1, *. Effect of Health Status and Living Arrangements on Pension Models: A Cross-Sectional Study among Elderly in China. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society; 2016, 64: S344-S. ( IF=3.842 )

56. Fang, Y.1, J. Fu and Z. Zhou. Effect of Nut Intake on Incident Dementia among Older Adults in China: A Marginal Structure Modeling Approach. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society; 2016, 64: S344-S. ( IF=3.842 )

57. Mou, Y.1, M. Ammar Athar1, Y. Wu, Y. Xu, J. Wu, Z. Xu, Z. Hayder, S. Khan, M. Idrees, M. Israr Nasir, Y. Liao* and Q. Li*. Detection of Anti-Hbv Drug Resistance Mutations Based on Multi-Color Melting Curve Analysis. Journal of Clinical Microbiology; 2016, 54: 2661–2668. ( IF=3.631 )

58. Zeng, X.1, H. Li, R. Zheng, N. Kurepina, B. N. Kreiswirth, X. Zhao, Y. Xu* and Q. Li*. Spoligotyping of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Complex Isolates by Use of Ligation-Based Amplification and Melting Curve Analysis. Journal of Clinical Microbiology; 2016, 54: 2384 –2387. ( IF=3.631 )

59. Zeng, Y.1, L. Wang1, Z. Zhou1, X. Wang, Y. Zhang, J. Wang, P. Mi*, G. Liu* and L. Zhou*. Gadolinium hybrid iron oxide nanocomposites for dual T1- and T2-weighted MR imaging of cell labeling. Biomaterials Science; 2016, DOI: 10.1039/C6BM00706F. ( IF=3.614 )

60. Li, M.1, X. Wang, L. Cao, Z. J. Lin, M. X. Wei, M. J. Fang, S. W. Li, J. Zhang, N. S. Xia* and Q. J. Zhao*. Quantitative and Epitope-Specific Antigenicity Analysis of the Human Papillomavirus 6 Capsid Protein in Aqueous Solution or When Adsorbed on Particulate Adjuvants. Vaccine; 2016, 34: 4422–4428. ( IF=3.413 )

61. Yang, L.1, Y. Liu1, S. Li, H. Zhao, Q. Lin, H. Yu, X. Huang, Q. Zheng, T. Cheng* and N. Xia. A Novel Inactivated Enterovirus 71 Vaccine Can Elicit Cross-Protective Immunity against Coxsackievirus A16 in Mice. Vaccine; 2016, 34: 5938–5945. ( IF=3.413 )

62. Zhu, R.1, J. Liu1, C. Y. Chen, X. Z. Ye, L. F. Xu, W. Wang, Q. J. Zhao, H. Zhu, T. Cheng* and N. S. Xia. A Highly Conserved Epitope-Vaccine Candidate against Varicella-Zoster Virus Induces Neutralizing Antibodies in Mice. Vaccine; 2016, 34: 1589–1596. ( IF=3.413 )

63. Liu, J.1, C. Chen, R. Zhu, X. Ye, J. Jia, L. Yang, Y. Wang, W. Wang, J. Ye, Y. Li, H. Zhu, Q. Zhao, J. Zhang, T. Cheng* and N. Xia. Evaluation of Immunity to Varicella Zoster Virus with a Novel Double Antigen Sandwich Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology; 2016, 100: 9321–9329. ( IF=3.376 )

64. Ye, X.1, L. Yang, J. Jia, J. Han, S. Li, Y. Liu, L. Xu, H. Zhao, Y. Chen, Y. Li, T. Cheng* and N. Xia. Development of Sandwich Elisas That Can Distinguish Different Types of Coxsackievirus A16 Viral Particles. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology; 2016, 100: 2809–2815. ( IF=3.376 )

65. Li, Y. S.1, D. L. Zhang, Y. Shi, Z. D. Guo, X. Y. Wu, J. L. Ren, X. Z. Zhang* and H. Wu*. Syntheses and Preliminary Evaluation of [F-18]Alf-Nota-G-Tmtp1 for Pet Imaging of High Aggressive Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging; 2016, 11: 262–271. ( IF=3.286 )

66. Wang, W.1, X. Wang1, L. Yang, W. Fu, D. Pan, J. Liu, J. Ye, Q. Zhao, H. Zhu, T. Cheng* and N. Xia. Modulation of Host Cd59 Expression by Varicella-Zoster Virus in Human Xenografts in Vivo. Virology; 2016, 491: 96–105. ( IF=3.2 )

67. Kong, X. Y.1, D. C. Zhang, W. X. Zhuang, S. H. Hua, Y. Dai, Y. Y. Yuan, L. L. Feng, Q. Huang, B. G. Teng, X. Y. Yu, W. Z. Liu* and Y. X. Zhang*. Akap95 Promotes Cell Cycle Progression Via Interactions with Cyclin E and Low Molecular Weight Cyclin E. American Journal of Translational Research; 2016, 8(2): 811-826. ( IF=3.146 )

68. Liu, Y.1, J. Zhou, Y. Qu, X. Yang, G. Shi, X. Wang*, Y. Hong, K. Drlica and X. Zhao*. Resveratrol Antagonizes Antimicrobial Lethality and Stimulates Recovery of Bacterial Mutant. PLoS One; 2016, 11(4): e0153023. ( IF=3.057 )

69. Wu, X.1, L. You, D. Zhang, M. Gao, Z. Li, D. Xu, P. Zhang, L. Huang, R. Zhuang, H. Wu and X. Zhang*. Synthesis and Preliminary Evaluation of a 18 F-Labeled Ethisterone Derivative [18 F]Eaef for Progesterone Receptor Targeting. Chemical Biology & Drug Design;2016, 1–7. ( IF=2.802 )

70. Song, M. L.1, Z. D. Guo1, M. N. Gao, C. R. Shi, D. Xu, L. Y. You, X. W. Wu, X. H. Su, R. Q. Zhuang, W. M. Pan, T. Liu* and X. Z. Zhang*. Synthesis and Preliminary Evaluation of a 99mTc-labeled Folate-PAMAM Dendrimer for FR Imaging. Chemical Biology & Drug Design;2016, DOI: 10.1111/cbdd.12899. ( IF=2.802 )

71. Zhao, R.1, *, S. S. Yan, M. Liu, B. Wang, D. Hu, D. B. Guo, J. Wang, W. T. Xu and C. Fan*. Seafood Consumption among Chinese Coastal Residents and Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Seafood. Environmental Science and Pollution Research; 2016, 23: 16834–16844. ( IF=2.76 )

72. Su, Y.1, G. Ding, K. H. Reilly, J. L. Norris, H. Liu, Z. Li, G. Wang, G. Fang and N. Wang*. Loss to Follow-up and Hiv Incidence in Female Sex Workers in Kaiyuan, Yunnan Province China: A Nine Year Longitudinal Study. BMC Infectious Diseases; 2016, 16: 526. ( IF=2.69 )

73. Chen, S.1, J. Zhang1, S. Jiang, G. Lin, B. Luo, H. Yao, Y. Lin, C. He, G. Liu* and Z. Lin*. Self-Assembled Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoclusters for Universal Cell Labeling and Mri. Nanoscale Research Letters; 2016, 11: 263. ( IF=2.584 )

74. Lin, L. Q.1, Z. X. Fang1, H. Y. Lin, H. Y. You, J. J. Wang, Y. H. Su, F. Wang* and Z. Y. Zhang*. Depletion of Cks1 and Cks2 Expression Compromises Cell Proliferation and Enhance Chemotherapy-Induced Apoptosis in Hepg2 Cells. Oncology Reports; 2016, 35: 26-32. ( IF=2.486 )

75. Guo, Z.1, M. Gao, M. Song, C. Shi, P. Zhang, D. Xu, L. You, R. Zhuang, X. Su, T. Liu, J. Du* and X. Zhang*. Synthesis and Evaluation of (99m)Tc-Labeled Dimeric Folic Acid for Fr-Targeting. Molecules; 2016, 21: 817. ( IF=2.465 )

76. Yang, C. X.1, R. Tian1, T. Liu and G. Liu*. Mri Reporter Genes for Noninvasive Molecular Imaging. Molecules; 2016, 21: 580. ( IF=2.465 )

77. Luo, Y.1, D. Xiong1, H. H. Li, S. P. Qiu, C. L. Lin, Q. Chen, C. H. Huang*, Q. Yuan, J. Zhang and N. S. Xia*. Development of an Hsv-1 Neutralization Test with a Glycoprotein D Specific Antibody for Measurement of Neutralizing Antibody Titer in Human Sera. Virology Journal; 2016, 13: 44. ( IF=2.362 )

78. Chiang, Y. C.1, H. J. Yang, S. C. Chen, C. W. Hu, C. T. Tsai, D. J. Lai and C. Y. Kuo*. Inhalation Exposure of Children to Indoor PM 10 and Associated Metals during River-Dust Episodes. Air Quality Atmosphere & Health; 2016, DOI: 10.1007/s11869-016-0426-z. ( IF=2.324 )

79. Zhao, Q.1, * and N. Xia*. The 2016 Lasker-Debakey Clinical Medical Research Award: Innovative Hepatitis C Virus (Hcv) Replicons Leading to Drug Development for Hepatitis C Cure. Sci China Life Sci; 2016, 59: 1198–1201. ( IF=2.297 )

80. Xu, L.1, D. J. Lai and Y. Fang*. Spatial Analysis of Gender Variation in the Prevalence of Hypertension among the Middle-Aged and Elderly Population in Zhejiang Province, China. Bmc Public Health; 2016, 16: 447. ( IF=2.209 )

81. Mi, P.1, P. F. Zhang and G. Liu*. Bio-Inspired Virus-Like Nanovesicle for Effective Vaccination. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics; 2016, 12: 2090-2091. ( IF=2.146 )

82. Xue, M.1, L. Yu, L. Jia, Y. Li, Y. Zeng, T. Li*, S. Ge* and N. Xia. Immunogenicity and Protective Efficacy of Rotavirus Vp8* Fused to Cholera Toxin B Subunit in a Mouse Model. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics; 2016, 12: 2959-2968. ( IF=2.146 )

83. Niu, J.1, Y. Lin1, Z. Guo, M. Niu and C. Su*. The Epidemiological Investigation on the Risk Factors of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Case-Control Study in Southeast China. Medicine (Baltimore); 2016, 95: e2758. ( IF=2.133 )

84. Yuan, M. Q.1, W. Chen, B. G. Teng and Y. Fang*. Occupational Disparities in the Association between Self-Reported Salt-Eating Habit and Hypertension in Older Adults in Xiamen, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; 2016, 13: 148. ( IF=2.035 )

85. Zhang, J.1, *, Q. Zhao* and N. Xia*. Prophylactic Hepatitis E Vaccine. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology; 2016, 948: 223-246. ( IF=1.953 )

86. Zhao, R.1, *, B. Wang, Q. T. Cai, X. X. Li, M. Liu, D. Hu, D. B. Guo, J. Wang and C. Fan*. Bioremediation of Hexavalent Chromium Pollution by Sporosarcina Saromensis M52 Isolated from Offshore Sediments in Xiamen, China. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences; 2016, 29: 127-136. ( IF=1.906 )

87. Tu, Y. L.1, X. H. Zeng1, H. Li, R. R. Zheng, Y. Xu* and Q. G. Li*. A Strip Array for Spoligotyping of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Complex Isolates. Journal of Microbiological Methods; 2016, 122: 23–26. ( IF=1.857 )

88. Zhang, L.1, X. Li1, Q. Li, S. Ge, M. Chen, S. Huang, B. Chen, P. Li, B. Teng, J. Xu, S. Zhao, F. Qi* and Y. Zhang*. Rare RET Variant p.D707E in a Chinese Pedigree with Hereditary Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma. Pathobiology. 2016, DOI: 10.1159/000448845. ( IF=1.732 )

89. Lin, Q. S.1, K. Y. Yang, F. P. He, J. Jiang, T. T. Li, Z. Q. Chen, R. Li, Y. X. Chen, S. W. Li*, Q. J. Zhao* and N. S. Xia. Production of Influenza Virus Ha1 Harboring Native-Like Epitopes by Pichia Pastoris. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology; 2016, 179: 1275–1289. ( IF=1.606 )

90. Wei, Q. Y.1, Y. Dai1, S. H. Hua, B. G. Teng, J. L. Deng, Y. J. Huo, J. H. Yang, W. Yang, X. X. Chen and Y. X. Zhang*. Correlation Analysis between the Protein Expression of Akap95, Cycline, and Cx43 in Breast Cancer. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology; 2016, 9: 216-222. ( IF=1.581 )

91. Cao, L.1, X. Wang, M. J. Fang, N. S. Xia and Q. J. Zhao*. Detection of Subtle Differences in Analogous Viral Capsid Proteins by Allowing Unrestricted Specific Interaction in Solution Competition Elisa. Journal of Virological Methods; 2016, 236: 1-4. ( IF=1.508 )

92. Wu, Y.1, T. Y. Zhang1, L. L. Fang, Z. X. Chen, L. W. Song, J. L. Cao, L. Yang, Q. Yuan* and N. S. Xia. Sleeping Beauty Transposon-Based System for Rapid Generation of Hbv-Replicating Stable Cell Lines. Journal of Virological Methods; 2016, 234: 96-100. ( IF=1.508 )

93. Zhang, J.1, Z. X. Weng, H. L. Du, F. H. Xu, S. Z. He, D. L. He, T. Cheng, J. Zhang, S. X. Ge* and N. S. Xia. Development and Evaluation of Rapid Point-of-Care Tests for Detection of Enterovirus 71 and Coxsackievirus A16 Specific Immunoglublin M Antibodies. Journal of Virological Methods; 2016, 231: 44–47. ( IF=1.508 )

94. Yuan, L.1, T. Wang1, Y. Zhang, X. Liu, T. Zhang, X. Li, P. Liu, K. Wu, J. W. Shih, Q. Yuan, T. Cheng* and N. Xia*. An Hbv-Tolerant Immunocompetent Model That Effectively Simulates Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection in Mice. Experimental Animals; 2016, 65: 373-382. ( IF=1.247 )

95. Zhu, C.1, C. Yang1, Y. Wang, G. Lin, Y. Yang, X. Wang, J. Zhu, X. Chen, X. Lu*, G. Liu* and H. Xia*. Ccccc Pentadentate Chelates with Planar Mobius Aromaticity and Unique Properties. Science Advances;2016, 2: e1601031.

96. Zeng, Y. B.1, A. J. He, P. Lin, Z. H. Sun, Y. Fang*. Developing case-mix standards with the Diagnosis-related Groups for payment reforms and hospital management in China: A case study in Xiamen city. International Journal of Healthcare; 2016, 2, 1:102-110

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