

Representative publications in 2019

September 21, 2023

1. Zheng Q.1, Zhu R.1, Xu L.1, He M.1, Yan X.1, Liu D., Yin Z., Wu Y., Li Y., Yang L., Hou W., Li S., Li Z., Chen Z., Li Z., Yu H., Gu Y., Zhang J., Baker T. S., Zhou Z. H., Graham B. S., Cheng T.*, Li S.*, and Xia N*. Atomic structures of enterovirus D68 in complex with two monoclonal antibodies define distinct mechanisms of viral neutralization. Nature Microbiology. 2019;4:124-33. (IF=14.3)

2. Hong H., Zhang L., Xie F., Zhuang R., Jiang D., Liu H., Li J., Yang H., Zhang X., Nie L.*, and Li Z*. Rapid one-step (18)F-radiolabeling of biomolecules in aqueous media by organophosphine fluoride acceptors. Nature Communications. 2019;10:989. (IF=11.878)

3. Zhang T. Y.1, Chen H. Y.1, Cao J. L.1, Xiong H. L., Mo X. B., Li T. L., Kang X. Z., Zhao J. H., Yin B., Zhao X., Huang C. H., Yuan Q.*, Xue D.*, Xia N. S.*, and Yuan Y. A. Structural and functional analyses of hepatitis B virus X protein BH3-like domain and Bcl-xL interaction. Nature Communications. 2019;10:3192. (IF=11.878)

4. Sun W., Shi T., Luo L., Chen X., Lv P., Lv Y., Zhuang Y., Zhu J., Liu G., Chen X.*, and Chen H*. Monodisperse and Uniform Mesoporous Silicate Nanosensitizers Achieve Low-Dose X-Ray-Induced Deep-Penetrating Photodynamic Therapy. Advanced Materials. 2019;31:e1808024. (IF=25.809)

5. Liu X.1, Liu C.1, Zheng Z.1, Chen S., Pang X., Xiang X., Tang J., Ren E., Chen Y., You M., Wang X., Chen X., Luo W.*, Liu G.*, and Xia N*. Vesicular Antibodies: A Bioactive Multifunctional Combination Platform for Targeted Therapeutic Delivery and Cancer Immunotherapy. Advanced Materials. 2019;31:e1808294. (IF=25.809)

6. Pang X.1, Liu X.1, Cheng Y.1, Zhang C., Ren E., Liu C., Zhang Y., Zhu J., Chen X., and Liu G*. Sono-Immunotherapeutic Nanocapturer to Combat Multidrug-Resistant Bacterial Infections. Advanced Materials. 2019;31:e1902530. (IF=25.809)

7. Yuan L.1, Jiang J.1, Liu X.1, Zhang Y., Zhang L., Xin J., Wu K., Li X., Cao J., Guo X., Shi D., Li J., Jiang L., Sun S., Wang T., Hou W., Zhang T., Zhu H., Zhang J., Yuan Q., Cheng T.*, Li J.*, and Xia N*. HBV infection-induced liver cirrhosis development in dual-humanised mice with human bone mesenchymal stem cell transplantation. Gut. 2019;68:2044-56. (IF=17.943)

8. Zhu J.1, Chu C.1, Li D.1, Pang X., Zheng H., Wang J., Shi Y., Zhang Y., Cheng Y., Ren E., Cheng J., Chen X., and Liu G*. Fe(III)Porphyrin Sonotheranostics: A Green TripleRegulated ROS Generation Nanoplatform for Enhanced Cancer Imaging and Therapy. Advanced Functional Materials. 2019;29,36: 1904056. (IF=15.621)

9. Liu Y., Liu H., Yan H., Liu Y., Zhang J., Shan W., Lai P., Li H., Ren L., Li Z.*, and Nie L*. Aggregation-Induced Absorption Enhancement for Deep Near-Infrared II Photoacoustic Imaging of Brain Gliomas In Vivo. Advanced Science. 2019;6:1801615. (IF=15.804)

10. Cai W.*, Wang J., Chu C., Chen W., Wu C.*, and Liu G*. Metal-Organic Framework-Based Stimuli-Responsive Systems for Drug Delivery. Advanced Science. 2019;6:1801526. (IF=15.804)

11. Ji M. F.1, Sheng W.1, Cheng W. M., Ng M. H., Wu B. H., Yu X., Wei K. R., Li F. G., Lian S. F., Wang P. P., Quan W., Deng L., Li X. H., Liu X. D., Xie Y. L., Huang S. J., Ge S. X., Huang S. L., Liang X. J., He S. M., Huang H. W., Xia S. L., Ng P. S., Chen H. L., Xie S. H., Liu Q., Hong M. H., Ma J., Yuan Y., Xia N. S., Zhang J.*, and Cao S*. M. Incidence and mortality of nasopharyngeal carcinoma: interim analysis of a cluster randomized controlled screening trial (PRO-NPC-001) in southern China. Annals of Oncology. 2019;30:1630-7. (IF=14.196)

12. Huang W., Chen R., Peng Y., Duan F., Huang Y., Guo W., Chen X., and Nie L*. In Vivo Quantitative Photoacoustic Diagnosis of Gastric and Intestinal Dysfunctions with a Broad pH-Responsive Sensor. ACS Nano. 2019;13:9561-70. (IF=13.903)

13. Pang X., Xiao Q., Cheng Y., Ren E., Lian L., Zhang Y., Gao H., Wang X., Leung W., Chen X., Liu G.*, and Xu C*. Bacteria-Responsive Nanoliposomes as Smart Sonotheranostics for Multidrug Resistant Bacterial Infections. ACS Nano. 2019;13:2427-38. (IF=13.903)

14. Lv P., Liu X., Chen X., Liu C., Zhang Y., Chu C., Wang J., Wang X., Chen X., and Liu G*. Genetically Engineered Cell Membrane Nanovesicles for Oncolytic Adenovirus Delivery: A Versatile Platform for Cancer Virotherapy. Nano Letters. 2019;19:2993-3001. (IF=12.279)

15. Chu C.1, Ren E.1, Zhang Y., Yu J., Lin H., Pang X., Zhang Y., Liu H., Qin Z., Cheng Y., Wang X., Li W., Kong X., Chen X., and Liu G*. Zinc(II)-Dipicolylamine Coordination Nanotheranostics: Toward Synergistic Nanomedicine by Combined Photo/Gene Therapy. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2019;58:269-72. (IF=12.257)

16. Huang Y.1,*, Li M.1, Huang D.1, Qiu Q., Lin W., Liu J., Yang W., Yao Y., Yan G., Qu N., Tuchin V. V., Fan S., Liu G., Zhao Q.*, and Chen X*. Depth-Resolved Enhanced Spectral-Domain OCT Imaging of Live Mammalian Embryos Using Gold Nanoparticles as Contrast Agent. Small. 2019;15:e1902346. (IF=10.856)

17. Shen Z., Fan W.*, Yang Z., Liu Y., Bregadze V. I., Mandal S. K., Yung B. C., Lin L., Liu T.*, Tang W., Shan L., Liu Y., Zhu S., Wang S., Yang W., Bryant L. H., Nguyen D. T., Wu A.*, and Chen X*. Exceedingly Small Gadolinium Oxide Nanoparticles with Remarkable Relaxivities for Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Tumors. Small. 2019;15:e1903422. (IF=10.856)

18. Chen H.1, Qin Z.1, Zhao J.1, He Y., Ren E., Zhu Y., Liu G.*, Mao C.*, and Zheng L*. Cartilage-targeting and dual MMP-13/pH responsive theranostic nanoprobes for osteoarthritis imaging and precision therapy. Biomaterials. 2019;225:119520. (IF=10.273)

19. Qiao Y. L.1*, Wu T.1, Li R. C.1, Hu Y. M.1, Wei L. H.1, Li C. G.1, Chen W.1, Huang S. J., Zhao F. H., Li M. Q., Pan Q. J., Zhang X., Li Q., Hong Y., Zhao C., Zhang W. H., Li Y. P., Chu K., Li M., Jiang Y. F., Li J., Zhao H., Lin Z. J., Cui X. L., Liu W. Y., Li C. H., Guo D. P., Ke L. D., Wu X., Tang J., Gao G. Q., Li B. Y., Zhao B., Zheng F. X., Dai C. H., Guo M., Zhao J., Su Y. Y., Wang J. Z., Zhu F. C., Li S. W., Pan H. R., Li Y. M., Zhang J.*, and Xia N. S*. Efficacy, safety, and immunogenicity of an Escherichia coli-produced bivalent human papillomavirus vaccine: An interim analysis of a randomized clinical trial. Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 2019.1122):djz074. (IF=10.211)

20. Hong Y., Zeng J., Wang X., Drlica K., and Zhao X*. Post-stress bacterial cell death mediated by reactive oxygen species. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2019;116:10064-71. (IF=9.58)

21. Zheng Q.1, Jiang J.1, He M.1, Zheng Z.1, Yu H., Li T., Xue W., Tang Z., Ying D., Li Z., Song S., Liu X., Wang K., Zhang Z., Wang D., Wang Y., Yan X., Zhao Q., Zhang J., Gu Y.*, Li S.*, and Xia N*. Viral neutralization by antibody-imposed physical disruption. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2019;116(52):26933-26940. (IF=9.58)

22. Lin H. R.1, Li S.1, Wang J. Q.1, Chu C. C., Zhang Y., Pang X., Lv P., Wang X. Y., Zhao Q. L., Chen J. J., Chen H. M., Liu W., Chen X. Y., and Liu G*. A single-step multi-level supramolecular system for cancer sonotheranostics. Nanoscale Horizons. 2019;4:190-5. (IF=9.095)

23. Feng Y., Ding D., Sun W., Qiu Y., Luo L., Shi T., Meng S., Chen X.*, and Chen H*. Magnetic Manganese Oxide Sweetgum-Ball Nanospheres with Large Mesopores Regulate Tumor Microenvironments for Enhanced Tumor Nanotheranostics. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2019;11:37461-70. (IF=8.456)

24. Li H.*, Li Q., Hou W., Zhang J., Yu C., Zeng D., Liu G.*, and Li F*. Enzyme-Catalytic Self-Triggered Release of Drugs from a Nanosystem for Efficient Delivery to Nuclei of Tumor Cells. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2019;11:43581-7. (IF=8.456)

25. Lv Y.1, Ding D.1, Zhuang Y.*, Feng Y., Shi J., Zhang H., Zhou T. L., Chen H.*, and Xie R. J*. Chromium-Doped Zinc Gallogermanate@Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework-8: A Multifunctional Nanoplatform for Rechargeable In Vivo Persistent Luminescence Imaging and pH-Responsive Drug Release. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2019;11:1907-16. (IF=8.456)

26. Shi X.1, Ma X.1, Ren E., Zhang Y., Jia D., Gao Y., Xue P., Kang Y., Liu G.*, and Xu Z*. Tumor-Microenvironment-Activatable Nanoreactor Based on a Polyprodrug for Multimodal-Imaging-Medicated Enhanced Cancer Chemo/Phototherapy. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2019;11:40704-15. (IF=8.456)

27. Chu C.1, Su M.1, Zhu J.1, Li D., Cheng H., Chen X., and Liu G*. Metal-Organic Framework Nanoparticle-Based Biomineralization: A New Strategy toward Cancer Treatment. Theranostics. 2019;9:3134-49. (IF=8.063)

28. Shen C.1, Zhang M.1, Chen Y.1, Zhang L., Wang G., Chen J., Chen S., Li Z., Wei F., Chen J., Yang K., Guo S., Wang Y., Zheng Q., Yu H., Luo W., Zhang J., Chen H., Chen Y.*, and Xia N. An IgM antibody targeting the receptor binding site of influenza B blocks viral infection with great breadth and potency. Theranostics. 2019;9:210-31. (IF=8.063)

29. Tang L., Yang Z., Zhou Z.*, Ma Y., Kiesewetter D. O., Wang Z., Fan W., Zhu S., Zhang M., Tian R., Lang L., Niu G., Zhang X.*, and Chen X*. A Logic-Gated Modular Nanovesicle Enables Programmable Drug Release for On-Demand Chemotherapy. Theranostics. 2019;9:1358-68. (IF=8.063)

30. Yuan L.1, Zhang Y.1, Liu X.1, Chen Y., Zhang L., Cao J., Li X., Wang M., Wu K., Zhang J., Liu G., Tang Q., Yuan Q.*, Cheng T.*, and Xia N. Agonist c-Met Monoclonal Antibody Augments the Proliferation of hiPSC-derived Hepatocyte-Like Cells and Improves Cell Transplantation Therapy for Liver Failure in Mice. Theranostics. 2019;9:2115-28. (IF=8.063)

31. Li J., Van Valkenburgh J., Hong X., Conti P. S., Zhang X.*, and Chen K*. Small molecules as theranostic agents in cancer immunology. Theranostics. 2019;9:7849-71. (IF=8.063)

32. Chen H.1, Zhao L.1, Fu K., Lin Q., Wen X., Jacobson O., Sun L., Wu H., Zhang X.*, Guo Z.*, Lin Q.*, and Chen X*. Integrin alphavbeta3-targeted radionuclide therapy combined with immune checkpoint blockade immunotherapy synergistically enhances anti-tumor efficacy. Theranostics. 2019;9:7948-60. (IF=8.063)

33. Huang Q.1, Liu L.1, Wu Y., Wang X., Luo L., Nan B., Zhang J., Tian M., and Shen H*. Seminal plasma metabolites mediate the associations of multiple environmental pollutants with semen quality in Chinese men. Environment International. 2019;132:105066. (IF=7.943)

34. Tian M.*, Zhao B., Martin F. L., Morais C. L. M., Liu L., Huang Q., Zhang J., and Shen H*. Gene-environment interactions between GSTs polymorphisms and targeted epigenetic alterations in hepatocellular carcinoma following organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) exposure. Environment International. 2019;134:105313. (IF=7.943)

35. Wang Y. X.1, Wu Y.1, Chen H. G., Duan P., Wang L., Shen H. Q., Lu W. Q., Sun B., Wang Q., Zhang B., Chavarro J. E., Zhang J.*, and Pan A*. Seminal plasma metabolome in relation to semen quality and urinary phthalate metabolites among Chinese adult men. Environment International. 2019;129:354-63. (IF=7.943)

36. Qiu Y., Ding D., Sun W., Feng Y., Huang D., Li S., Meng S., Zhao Q.*, Xue L. J.*, and Chen H*. Hollow mesoporous carbon nanospheres for imaging-guided light-activated synergistic thermo-chemotherapy. Nanoscale. 2019;11:16351-61. (IF=6.97)

37. Yuan M., Chen J., Zhou Z., Yin J., Wu J., Luo M., Wang L., and Fang Y*. Joint associations of smartphone use and gender on multidimensional cognitive health among community-dwelling older adults: a cross-sectional study. BMC Geriatrics. 2019;19:140. (IF=2.818) SSCI

38. Zeng Y., Li J., Yuan Z., and Fang Y*. The effect of China's new cooperative medical scheme on health expenditures among the rural elderly. International Journal for Equity in Health. 2019;18:27. (IF=2.473) SSCI

39. Ye L., Luo J., Shia B. C., and Fang Y*. Multidimensional Health Groups and Healthcare Utilization Among Elderly Chinese: Based on the 2014 CLHLS Dataset. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019;16(20):e3884. (IF=2.468) SSCI

40. Zhou Z., Mao F., Zhang W., Towne S. D., Jr., Wang P., and Fang Y*. The Association Between Loneliness and Cognitive Impairment among Older Men and Women in China: A Nationwide Longitudinal Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019;16(16):e2877. (IF=2.468) SSCI

41. Ye L., Luo J., Shia B. C., and Fang Y*. Heterogeneous health classes for older adults and their regional disparities in China: based on multidimensional health. Public Health. 2019;178:15-22. (IF=1.696) SSCI

42. Ye L., Shia B. C., Fang Y., and Lee T. S*. Heterogeneous health profiles and healthcare utilization of the middle-aged and elderly with multiple health insurance schemes in China. Public Health. 2019;170:61-9. (IF=1.696) SSCI

43. Chen S., Yang D., Liu R., Zhao J., Yang K.*, and Chen T*. Estimating the transmissibility of hand, foot, and mouth disease by a dynamic model. Public Health. 2019;174:42-8. (IF=1.696) SSCI

44. Han Y., Yin J., Zeng Y., Chu C. I., Chiang Y. C., and Fang Y*. Determinants of Parental Intentions to Vaccinate Kindergarten Children Against Seasonal Influenza in Xiamen, China. Journal of Primary Prevention. 2019;40:325-42. (IF=1.451) SSCI

45. Zeng Y., Yuan Z., Chen L., Wu J., Chen F., and Fang Y*. Primary care reforms in managing chronic diseases in Xiamen, China: A tentative assessment. International Journal of Health Planning and Management. 2019;34(4):e1609-e1620. (IF=1.45) SSCI

46. Wang Z. Y., Sreenivasmurthy S. G., Song J. X., Liu J. Y.*, and Li M*. Strategies for brain-targeting liposomal delivery of small hydrophobic molecules in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. Drug Discovery Today. 2019;24:595-605. (IF=6.88)

47. Tomitaka A., Kaushik A., Kevadiya B. D., Mukadam I., Gendelman H. E., Khalili K., Liu G.*, and Nair M*. Surface-engineered multimodal magnetic nanoparticles to manage CNS diseases. Drug Discovery Today. 2019;24:873-82. (IF=6.88)

48. Wang P.1, Zheng M.1, Lau S. Y., Chen P., Mok B. W., Liu S., Liu H., Huang X., Cremin C. J., Song W., Chen Y., Wong Y. C., Huang H., To K. K., Chen Z., Xia N., Yuen K. Y.*, and Chen H*. Generation of DelNS1 Influenza Viruses: a Strategy for Optimizing Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccines. MBio. 2019;105):pii: mBio.02180-19. (IF=6.747)

49. Lu X.1, Chen R.1, Lv J., Xu W., Chen H., Ma Z., Huang S., Li S., Liu H., Hu J.*, and Nie L*. High-resolution bimodal imaging and potent antibiotic/photodynamic synergistic therapy for osteomyelitis with a bacterial inflammation-specific versatile agent. Acta Biomaterialia. 2019;99:363-72. (IF=6.638)

50. Chen Z.1, Lin S.1, Duan J.1, Luo Y., Wang S., Gan Z., Yi H., Wu T., Huang S.*, Zhang Q.*, and Lv H*. Immunogenicity and safety of an accelerated hepatitis E vaccination schedule in healthy adults: a randomized, controlled, open-label, phase IV trial. Clinical microbiology and infection : the official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 2019;25:1133-9. (IF=6.425)

51. Zhang Y. L.1, Gao Y.1, Cao J. L., Zhao J. H., Zhang T. Y., Yang C. L., Xiong H. L., Wang Y. B., Ou S. H.*, Cheng T., Chen C. R.*, Yuan Q.*, and Xia N. S. Robust in vitro assay for analyzing the neutralization activity of serum specimens against hepatitis B virus. Emerging Microbes & Infections. 2019;8:724-33. (IF=6.212)

52. Fan L.1, Huang D.1, Wang Y., Miao Z.*, Ma Y., Zhao Q.*, and Zha Z*. Cryo-assisted exfoliation of atomically thin 2D Sb2Se3 nanosheets for photo-induced theranostics. Chemical Communications. 2019;55:2805-8. (IF=6.164)

53. Liu X.1, Chen J.1, Wang Z.1, Wang D., He M., Qian C., Song S., Chi X., Kong Z., Zheng Q., Wang Y., Yu H., Zhao Q., Zhang J., Li S.*, Gu Y.*, and Xia N. Neutralization sites of human papillomavirus-6 relate to virus attachment and entry phase in viral infection. Emerging Microbes & Infections. 2019;8:1721-33. (IF=6.212)

54. Fu H., Chen Z., Josephson L., Li Z.*, and Liang S. H*. Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Ligand Development for Ionotropic Glutamate Receptors: Challenges and Opportunities for Radiotracer Targeting N-Methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA), alpha-Amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic Acid (AMPA), and Kainate Receptors. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2019;62:403-19. (IF=6.054)

55. Zhang S.1, Che L.1, He C., Huang J., Guo N., Shi J., Lin Y.*, and Lin Z*. Drp1 and RB interaction to mediate mitochondria-dependent necroptosis induced by cadmium in hepatocytes. Cell Death & Disease. 2019;10:523. (IF=5.959)

56. Zhang L. Y.1, Zhan D. L.1, Chen Y. Y., Wang W. H., He C. Y., Lin Y., Lin Y. C.*, and Lin Z. N*. Aflatoxin B1 enhances pyroptosis of hepatocytes and activation of Kupffer cells to promote liver inflammatory injury via dephosphorylation of cyclooxygenase-2: an in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo study. Archives of Toxicology. 2019;93:3305-20. (IF=5.741)

57. Luo Y.1, Lin C.1, Ren W., Ju F., Xu Z., Liu H., Yu Z., Chen J., Zhang J., Liu P.*, Huang C.*, and Xia N. Intravenous Injections of a Rationally Selected Oncolytic Herpes Virus as a Potent Virotherapy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Molecular Therapy-Oncolytics. 2019;15:153-65. (IF=5.71)

58. Ye G.1, Ding D.1, Gao H., Chi Y., Chen J., Wu Z., Lin Y.*, and Dong S*. Comprehensive metabolic responses of HepG2 cells to fine particulate matter exposure: Insights from an untargeted metabolomics. Science of the Total Environment. 2019;691:874-84. (IF=5.589)

59. He C.1, Jiang S.1, Yao H.1, Zhang L., Yang C., Jiang S., Ruan F., Zhan D., Liu G., Lin Z.*, Lin Y.*, and Chen X. High-content analysis for mitophagy response to nanoparticles: A potential sensitive biomarker for nanosafety assessment. Nanomedicine : nanotechnology, biology, and medicine. 2019;15:59-69. (IF=5.57)

60. Wang Z.1, Xu L.1, Yu H.1, Lv P.1, Lei Z., Zeng Y.*, Liu G.*, and Cheng T*. Ferritin nanocage-based antigen delivery nanoplatforms: epitope engineering for peptide vaccine design. Biomaterials science. 2019;7:1794-800. (IF=5.251)

61. Yang C., Han P., Ruan F., Zhou T., Luo B., Qiu Y., Lin Y., Lin Z.*, and He C*. Lactational exposure to environmentally relevant benzo(a)pyrene causes astrocytic activation and anxiety-like behavior in male mice. Chemosphere. 2019;221:67-74. (IF=5.108)

62. Su Y.1, Wei F.1, Huang X., Li Y., Qiu L., Hu F., Yang C., Zhang Y., Yin K., Li M., Wu T., Xia N., and Zhang J*. Prevalence, Concordance, and Transmission of Human Papillomavirus Infection Among Heterosexual Couples in Liuzhou, China: An Observational Perspective Study. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2019;220:980-9. (IF=5.045)

63. Wei F., Su Y., Yao X., Cui X., Bian L., Yin K., Yu X., Zhuang C., Bi Z., Huang S., Li M., Wu T., Xia N., and Zhang J*. Sex differences in the incidence and clearance of anal human papillomavirus infection among heterosexual men and women in Liuzhou, China: An observational cohort study. International Journal of Cancer. 2019;145:807-16. (IF=4.982)

64. Xu Y.1, Liang B.1, Du C., Tian X., Cai X., Hou Y., Li H., Zheng R., Li J., Liu Y., Wang K., Ammar Athar M., Tan Y., and Li Q*. Rapid Identification of Clinically Relevant Mycobacterium Species by Multicolor Melting Curve Analysis. Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 2019;57: e01096-18. (IF=4.959)

65. Huang C.1, Zhang Y.1, and Zhong S*. Alcohol Intake and Abnormal Expression of Brf1 in Breast Cancer. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity. 2019;2019:4818106. (IF=4.868)

66. Zhang Z.1, Zhang T.1, Cao L.1, Wang X., Cao J., Huang X., Cai Y., Lin Z., Pan H., Yuan Q., Fang M., Li S., Zhang J., Xia N., and Zhao Q*. Simultaneous in situ visualization and quantitation of dual antigens adsorbed on adjuvants using high content analysis. Nanomedicine (Lond). 2019;14:2535-48. (IF=4.717)

67. Chen S.1, Huang X.1, Li Y., Wang X., Pan H., Lin Z., Zheng Q., Li S., Zhang J., Xia N.*, and Zhao Q*. Altered antigenicity and immunogenicity of human papillomavirus virus-like particles in the presence of thimerosal. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics. 2019;141:221-31. (IF=4.708)

68. Chen Y. Y.1, Lin Y.1, Han P. Y.1, Jiang S., Che L., He C. Y., Lin Y. C.*, and Lin Z. N*. HBx combined with AFB1 triggers hepatic steatosis via COX-2-mediated necrosome formation and mitochondrial dynamics disorder. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. 2019;23:5920-33. (IF=4.658)

69. Yi B.1, Chen Y.1, Ma X., Rui J., Cui J. A., Wang H., Li J., Chan S. F., Wang R., Ding K., Xie L., Zhang D., Jiao S., Lao X., Chiang Y. C., Su Y., Zhao B., Xu G., and Chen T*. Incidence dynamics and investigation of key interventions in a dengue outbreak in Ningbo City, China. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 2019;13:e0007659. (IF=4.487)

70. Zhou Z., Lin C., Ma J., Towne S. D., Han Y., and Fang Y*. The Association of Social Isolation With the Risk of Stroke Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults in China. American Journal of Epidemiology. 2019;188:1456-65. (IF=4.473)

71. Chen T.1, Wang K.1, Chi X., Zhou L., Li J., Liu L., Zheng Q., Wang Y., Yu H., Gu Y., Zhang J., Li S.*, and Xia N. Construction of a bacterial surface display system based on outer membrane protein F. Microbial Cell Factories. 2019;18:70. (IF=4.402)

72. Wen X., Shi C., Xu D., Zhang P., Li Z., Li J., Su X., Zhuang R., Liu T., Guo Z.*, and Zhang X*. Radioiodinated Portable Albumin Binder as a Versatile Agent for in Vivo Imaging with Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography. Molecular Pharmaceutics. 2019;16:816-24. (IF=4.396)

73. Tian R., Zhu S.*, Zeng Q., Lang L., Ma Y., Kiesewetter D. O., Liu Y., Fu X., Lau J., Zhu G., Jacobson O., Wang Z., Dai Y., Yu G., Brooks B. R., Liu G., Niu G.*, and Chen X*. An Albumin Sandwich Enhances in Vivo Circulation and Stability of Metabolically Labile Peptides. Bioconjugate Chemistry. 2019;30:1711-23. (IF=4.349)

74. Zhou B.1, Xu L.1, Zhu R., Tang J., Wu Y., Su R., Yin Z., Liu D., Jiang Y., Wen C., You M., Dai L., Lin Y., Chen Y., Yang H., An Z., Fan C., Cheng T.*, Luo W.*, and Xia N. A bispecific broadly neutralizing antibody against enterovirus 71 and coxsackievirus A16 with therapeutic potential. Antiviral Research. 2019;161:28-35. (IF=4.13)

75. Wang K.1, Zhou L.1, Zhang X.1, Song C., Chen T., Li J., Zheng M., Wang Y., Zheng Q., Zheng Z., Yu H., Wu T., Gu Y., Zhang J., Zhao Q.*, Li S.*, and Xia N. Hepatitis E vaccine candidate harboring a non-particulate immunogen of E2 fused with CRM197 fragment A. Antiviral Research. 2019;164:154-61. (IF=4.13)

76. Sha Y.1, Liu W.1, Wei X.1, Zhu X., Luo X.*, Liang L.*, and Guo T*. Biallelic mutations in Sperm flagellum 2 cause human multiple morphological abnormalities of the sperm flagella (MMAF) phenotype. Clinical Genetics. 2019;96:385-93. (IF=4.104)

77. Sha Y. W.1, Wang X.1, Xu X.1, Ding L.1, Liu W. S., Li P., Su Z. Y., Chen J., Mei L. B., Zheng L. K., Wang H. L., Kong S. B., You M.*, and Wu J. F*. Biallelic mutations in PMFBP1 cause acephalic spermatozoa. Clinical Genetics. 2019;95:277-86. (IF=4.104)

78. Liu W., Liang H., Wang S., Wu C., Liu Y., Liu Y., Zhang M., Xiong L., Zhong Z., Chen Y., Mao Q.*, Ge S.*, and Xia N. Transcriptional response of USP18 predicts treatment outcomes of interferon-alpha in HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B patientsefere. Journal of Viral Hepatitis. 2019;26:1050-8. (IF=4.016)

79. Cao J.1, Zhong N.1, Wang G.1, Wang M., Zhang B., Fu B., Wang Y., Zhang T., Zhang Y., Yang K., Chen Y.*, Yuan Q.*, and Xia N*. Nanobody-based sandwich reporter system for living cell sensing influenza A virus infection. Scientific Reports. 2019;9:15899. (IF=4.011)

80. Lin C., Slama J., Gonzalez P., Goodman M. T., Xia N., Kreimer A. R., Wu T., Hessol N. A., Shvetsov Y., Ortiz A. P., Grinsztejn B., Moscicki A. B., Heard I., Del Refugio Gonzalez Losa M., Kojic E. M., Schim van der Loeff M. F., Wei F., Longatto-Filho A., Mbulawa Z. A., Palefsky J. M., Sohn A. H., Hernandez B. Y., Robison K., Simpson S., Jr., Conley L. J., de Pokomandy A., van der Sande M. A. B., Dube Mandishora R. S., Volpini L. P. B., Pierangeli A., Romero B., Wilkin T., Franceschi S., Hidalgo-Tenorio C., Ramautarsing R. A., Park I. U., Tso F. K., Godbole S., D'Hauwers K. W. M., Sehnal B., Menezes L. J., Heraclio S. A., and Clifford G. M*. Cervical determinants of anal HPV infection and high-grade anal lesions in women: a collaborative pooled analysis. Lancet Infectious Diseases. 2019;19:880-91. (IF=27.516)

81. Zhou X., Pang X., Nie L., Zhu C., Zhuo K., Zhuo Q., Chen Z., Liu G., Zhang H.*, Lin Z., and Xia H. Successive modification of polydentate complexes gives access to planar carbon- and nitrogen-based ligands. Nature Communications. 2019;10:1488. (IF=11.878)

82. Guo H., Li Y., Liu G., Jiang Y., Shen S., Bi R., Huang H., Cheng T., Wang C., and Wei W*. A second open reading frame in human enterovirus determines viral replication in intestinal epithelial cells. Nature Communications. 2019;10:4066. (IF=11.878)

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96. Zhang Y.1, Dong T.1, Hu W., Wang X., Xu B., Lin Z., Hofer T., Stefanoff P., Chen Y., Wang X., and Xia Y*. Association between exposure to a mixture of phenols, pesticides, and phthalates and obesity: Comparison of three statistical models. Environment International. 2019;123:325-36. (IF=7.943)

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