

Representative publications in 2021

September 21, 2023

1.   Chen R, Huang S, Lin T, Ma H, Shan W, Duan F, Lv J, Zhang J, Ren L, Nie L*. Photoacoustic molecular imaging-escorted adipose photodynamic-browning synergy for fighting obesity with virus-like complexes. Nature Nanotechnology. 2021.16(4):455-465. IF 39.213

2.     Xu L#, Zheng Q#, Zhu R#, Yin Z#, Yu H#, Lin Y, Wu Y, He M, Huang Y, Jiang Y, Sun H, Zha Z, Yang H, Huang Q, Zhang D, Chen Z, Ye X, Han J, Yang L, Liu C, Que Y, Fang M, Gu Y, Zhang J, Luo W, Zhou ZH*, Li S*, Cheng T*, Xia N*. Cryo-EM structures reveal the molecular basis of receptor-initiated coxsackievirus uncoating. Cell Host Microbe. 2021.10;29(3):448-462. IF 21.023

3.    Wu Y#, Huang X#, Yuan L#, Wang S#, Zhang Y, # Xiong H#, Chen R, Ma J, Qi R, Nie M, Xu J, Zhang Z, Chen L, Wei M, Zhou M, Cai M, Shi Y, Zhang L, Yu H, Hong J, Wang Z, Hong Y, Yue M, Li Z, Chen D, Zheng Q, Li S, Chen Y, Cheng T, Zhang J*, Zhang T*, Zhu H*, Zhao Q*, Yuan Q*, Guan Y*, Xia N*. A recombinant spike protein subunit vaccine confers protective immunity against SARS-CoV-2 infection and transmission in hamsters. Science Translational Medicine. 2021.20:eabg1143. IF 17.956

4.     Yu S#, Yang H#, Li T#, Pan H#, Ren S, Luo G, Jiang J, Yu L, Chen B, Zhang Y, Wang S, Tian R, Zhang T, Zhang S, Chen Y, Yuan Q*, Ge S*, Zhang J, Xia N*. Efficient intracellular delivery of proteins by a multifunctional chimaeric peptide in vitro and in vivo. Nature Communications.2021.12(1):5131. IF 14.919

5.     Li T#, Xue W#, Zheng Q#, Song S#, Yang C#, Xiong H#, Zhang S, Hong M, Zhang Y, Yu H, Zhang Y, Sun H, Huang Y, Deng T, Chi X, Li J, Wang S, Zhou L, Chen T, Wang Y, Cheng T, Zhang T, Yuan Q, Zhao Q, Zhang J, McLellan JS, Zhou ZH*, Zhang Z*, Li S*, Gu Y*, Xia N. * Cross-neutralizing antibodies bind a SARS-CoV-2 cryptic site and resist circulating variants. Nature Communications.2021.12(1):5652. IF 14.919

6.     Chang L#, Hou W#, Zhao L#, Zhang Y#, Wang Y, Wu L, Xu T, Wang L, Wang J, Ma J, Wang L, Zhao J, Xu J, Dong J, Yan Y, Yang R, Li Y, Guo F, Cheng W, Su Y, Zeng J, Han W, Cheng T, Zhang J, Yuan Q*, Xia N, Wang L*. The prevalence of antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 among blood donors in China. Nature Communications.2021.12(1):1383. IF 14.919

7.     Lin H, Zhou Y, Wang J, Wang H, Yao T, Chen H, Zheng H, Zhang Y, Ren E, Jiang L, Chu C, Chen X, Mao J*, Wang F*, Liu G*. Repurposing ICG enables MR/PA imaging signal amplification and iron depletion for iron-overload disorders. Science Advances. 2021.7(51):eabl5862. IF 14.136

8.     Yao X#, Chen W#, Zhao C#, Wei L, Hu Y, Li M, Lin Z, Lin B, Liu X, Hong Y, Li Q, Pan Q, Zhang X, Li M, Zhao Y, Zhang L, Xu H, Hu F, Zhao J, Huang Y, Sheng W, Zheng Y, Hu S, Su Y, Huang S, Pan H, Zhao F*, Qiao Y*, Wu T*, Zhang J*, Xia N*. Naturally acquired HPV antibodies against subsequent homotypic infection: A large-scale prospective cohort study. The Lancet Regional Health – Western Pacific.2021.13:100196.

9.     Huang Y#, Wang H#, Li T#, Li C#, Tang J, Yu H, Guo X, Song Q, Wei F, Wang J, Liang C, Zheng F, Li H, Li H, Wu H, Lu Z, Su Y, Wu T, Ge S*, Fu TM*, Zhang J*, Xia N. Comparison of detection strategies for screening and confirming congenital cytomegalovirus infection in newborns in a highly seroprevalent population: a mother-child cohort study. The Lancet Regional Health – Western Pacific.2021.12:100182.

10.    Zhou C, Zhang L, Sun T, Zhang Y, Liu Y*, Gong M, Xu Z, Du M, Liu Y*, Liu G*, Zhang D*. Activatable NIR-II Plasmonic Nanotheranostics for Efficient Photoacoustic Imaging and Photothermal Cancer Therapy. Advanced Materials.2021.33(3):e2006532. IF 30.849

11.   Wang S, Tian R*, Zhang X, Cheng G, Yu P, Chang J*, Chen X*. Beyond Photo: Xdynamic Therapies in Fighting Cancer. Advanced Materials.2021.33(25):e2007488. IF 30.849

12.   Meng QF#, Tian R#, Long H, Wu X, Lai J, Zharkova O, Wang JW*, Chen X*, Rao L*.Capturing Cytokines with Advanced Materials: A Potential Strategy to Tackle COVID-19 Cytokine Storm. Advanced Materials. 2021.33(20):e2100012. IF 30.849

13.   Cheng H, Fan X, Ye E, Chen H, Yang J, Ke L, You M, Liu M, Zhang YW, Wu YL*, Liu G*, Loh XJ*, Li Z*. Dual Tumor Microenvironment Remodeling by Glucose-Contained Radical Copolymer for MRI-Guided Photoimmunotherapy. Advanced Materials. 2021.10:e2107674. IF 30.849

14.   Bai S#, Zhang Y#, Li DF, Shi XX, Lin G, Liu G*.Gain an advantage from both sides: Smart size-shrinkable drug delivery nanosystems for high accumulation and deep penetration.Nano Today.2021.36:101038.IF 20.722

15.   Yuan L#, Zhu H#, Zhou M#, Ma J#, Chen R#, Chen Y, Chen L, Wu K, Cai M, Hong J, Li L, Liu C, Yu H, Zhang Y, Wang J, Zhang T, Ge S, Zhang J, Yuan Q, Chen Y, Tang Q, Chen H, Cheng T*, Guan Y*, Xia N*. Gender associates with both susceptibility to infection and pathogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 in Syrian hamster. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy. 2021.31;6(1):136. IF 18.187

16.   Shuai L#, Zhong G#, Yuan Q#, Wen Z#, Wang C#, He X#, Liu R, Wang J, Zhao Q, Liu Y, Huo N, Deng J, Bai J, Wu H, Guan Y, Shi J, Tian K, Xia N, Chen H*, Bu Z*. Replication, pathogenicity, and transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in minks.National Science Review.2021.8(3):nwaa291. IF 17.275

17.   Huang D, Wang G, Mao J, Liu C, Fan Z, Zhang Y, Zhang B, Zhao Y, Dai C, He Y, Ma H*, Liu G, Chen X, Zhao Q*. Intravital Whole-Process Monitoring Thermo-Chemotherapy Via 2D Silicon Nanoplatform: A Macro Guidance and Long-Term Microscopic Precise Imaging Strategy. Advanced Science.2021.24:e2101242. IF 16.806

18.   Ren E, Liu C, Lv P, Wang J*, Liu G*. Genetically Engineered Cellular Membrane Vesicles as Tailorable Shells for Therapeutics. Advanced Science.2021.8(21):e2100460. IF 16.806

19.   Xu D#, Hu J#, Pan X, Sánchez S, Yan X*, Ma X*. Enzyme-Powered Liquid Metal Nanobots Endowed with Multiple Biomedical Functions.ACS Nano. 2021.15 (7):11543-11554. IF 15.881

20.   Zhou Z*, Du C, Zhang Q, Yu G, Zhang F*, Chen X*. Exquisite Vesicular Nanomedicine by Paclitaxel Mediated Co-assembly with Camptothecin Prodrug. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2021.60(38):21033-21039. IF 15.336

21.   Yuan L#, Zhu H#, Zhou M#, Ma J#, Chen R#, Yu L, Chen W, Hong W, Wang J, Chen Y, Wu K, Hou W, Zhang Y, Ge S, Chen Y, Yuan Q, Tang Q*, Cheng T*, Guan Y*, Xia N*. Persisting lung pathogenesis and minimum residual virus in hamster after acute COVID-19. Protein & Cell.2021. 7:1-6. IF 14.87

22.   Shen H, Zhang Y, Schramm KW*. Analytical aspects of meet-in-metabolite analysis for molecular pathway reconstitution from exposure to adverse outcome. Molecular Aspects of Medicine.2021:101006. IF 14.235

23.   Zhang Y#, Wang S#, Wu Y#, Hou W#, Yuan L#, Shen C#, Wang J, Ye J, Zheng Q, Ma J, Xu J, Wei M, Li Z, Nian S, Xiong H, Zhang L, Shi Y, Fu B, Cao J, Yang C, Li Z, Yang T, Liu L, Yu H, Hu J, Ge S, Chen Y, Zhang T, Zhang J, Cheng T*, Yuan Q*, Xia N*. Virus-Free and Live-Cell Visualizing SARS-CoV-2 Cell Entry for Studies of Neutralizing Antibodies and Compound Inhibitors. Small Methods.2021.5(2):2001031. IF 14.188

24.   Li D#, Yang Y, Li D, Pan J, Chu C*, Liu G*. Organic Sonosensitizers for Sonodynamic Therapy: From Small Molecules and Nanoparticles toward Clinical Development. Small.2021.17(42):e2101976. IF 13.281

25.   Li DS#, Dai QX#, Chen H#, Lin HR, Lu ZX, Zheng HL, Lv P, Li W*, Liu G*, Chu CC*. Metal-organic nanostructure based on TixOy/Ruthenium reaction Units: For CT/MR Imaging-Guided X-ray induced dynamic therapy. Chemical Engineering Journal.2021.417:129262. IF 13.273

26.   Zheng HL#, Ma BX#, Shi YS#, Dai QX, Li DS, Ren E, Zhu J, Liu JM, Chen H, Yin ZY, Chu CC*Wang XM*, Liu G*. Tumor Microenvironment-Triggered MoS2@GA-Fe Nanoreactor: A Self-Rolling Enhanced Chemodynamic Therapy and Hydrogen Sulfide Treatment for Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Chemical Engineering Journal.2021.406:126888. IF 13.273

27.   Lu ZX#, Bai S#, Shi YS, Xu DaZ, Chu CC*, Liu G*. Artificial nanocage-based 3D framework platforms: From construction design to biomedical applications. Chemical Engineering Journal.2021.426:131891. IF 13.273

28.   Fu W#, Wang W#, Yuan L#, Lin Y, Huang X, Chen R, Cai M, Liu C, Chen L, Zhou M, Wu K, Zhao H, Pan D, Ma J, Hong J, Zhai B, Zhang Y, Kong Z, Wang Y, Chen Y, Yuan Q, Zhu H*, Cheng T*, Guan Y*, Xia N*. A SCID mouse-human lung xenograft model of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Theranostics.2021.11(13):6607-6615. IF 11.556

29.   Ding D, Feng Y, Qin R, Li S, Chen L, Jing J, Zhang C, Sun W, Li Y*, Chen X*, Chen H*. Mn(3+)-rich oxide/persistent luminescence nanoparticles achieve light-free generation of singlet oxygen and hydroxyl radicals for responsive imaging and tumor treatment. Theranostics.2021.11(15):7439-7449. IF 11.556

30.   Xia L#, Liu JY#, Zheng ZZ#, Chen YJ#, Ding JC#, Hu YH, Hu GS, Xia NS, Liu W*. BRD4 inhibition boosts the therapeutic effects of epidermal growth factor receptor-targeted chimeric antigen receptor T cells in glioblastoma. Molecular Therapy.2021.29(10):3011-3026. IF 11.454

31.   Xia L#, Zheng Z#, Liu JY#, Chen YJ#, Ding J#, Hu GS, Hu YH, Liu S, Luo WX, Xia NS, Liu W*. Targeting Triple-Negative Breast Cancer with Combination Therapy of EGFR CAR T Cells and CDK7 Inhibition. Cancer Immunology Research.2021.9(6):707-722. IF 11.151

32.   Ruan F, Liu R, Wang K, Zeng J, Zuo Z, He C*, Zhang Y*. Cytotoxicity of black phosphorus quantum dots on lung-derived cells and the underlying mechanisms. Journal of Hazardous Materials.2021.402:122875. IF 10.588

33.   Zhang X, Zhang J, Wu Y, Nan B, Huang Q, Du X, Tian M, Liu L, Xin Y, Li Y, Duan J, Chen R, Sun Z, Shen H*. Dynamic recovery after acute single fine particulate matter exposure in male mice: Effect on lipid deregulation and cardiovascular alterations. Journal of Hazardous Materials.2021.414:125504. IF 10.588

34.   Han X#, Tian M#, Shliaha PV, Zhang J*, Jiang S, Nan B, Alam MN, Jensen ON, Shen H*, Huang Q*. Real-world particulate matters induce lung toxicity in rats fed with a high-fat diet: Evidence of histone modifications. Journal of Hazardous Materials.2021.416:126182. IF 10.588

35.   Jia R#, Xu H#, Wang C#, Su L, Jing J, Xu S, Zhou Y, Sun W, Song J, Chen X, Chen H*. NIR-II emissive AIEgen photosensitizers enable ultrasensitive imaging-guided surgery and phototherapy to fully inhibit orthotopic hepatic tumors. Journal of Nanobiotechnology. 2021.19(1):419. IF 10.435

36.   Shi Y#, Lin G#, Zheng H, Mu D, Chen H, Lu Z, He P, Zhang Y, Liu C*, Lin Z*, Liu G*. Biomimetic nanoparticles blocking autophagy for enhanced chemotherapy and metastasis inhibition via reversing focal adhesion disassembly. Journal of Nanobiotechnology. 2021 Dec 24;19(1):447. IF 10.435

37.   Ye G#, Zhang X#, Yan C, Lin Y*, Huang Q*. Polystyrene microplastics induce microbial dysbiosis and dysfunction in surrounding seawater. Environment International.2021.156:106724. IF 9.621

38.   Wu Y, Ding R, Zhang X, Zhang J, Huang Q, Liu L, Shen H*. Meet-in-metabolite analysis: A novel strategy to identify connections between arsenic exposure and male infertility. Environment International.2021.147:106360. IF 9.621

39.   Zhang X#, Wen K#, Ding D, Liu J, Lei Z, Chen X, Ye G, Zhang J, Shen H, Yan C, Dong S*, Huang Q*, Lin Y*. Size-dependent adverse effects of microplastics on intestinal microbiota and metabolic homeostasis in the marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma). Environment International.2021.151:106452. IF 9.621

40.   Wen X, Shi C, Yang L, Zeng X, Lin X, Huang J, Li Y, Zhuang R, Zhu H, Guo Z*, Zhang X*. A radioiodinated FR-beta-targeted tracer with improved pharmacokinetics through modification with an albumin binder for imaging of macrophages in AS and NAFL. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging.2021. 473. IF 9.236

41.   Chen L, Yuan H, Chen S, Zheng C*, Wu X, Li Z, Liang C, Dai P, Wang Q, Ma X*, Yan X*. Cost-Effective, High-Yield Production of Biotemplated Catalytic Tubular Micromotors as Self-Propelled Microcleaners for Water Treatment. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.2021.13(26):31226-31235. IF 9.229

42.   Li H, Wu Z, Zhang J, Sun X, Duan F, Yao J, Sun M*, Zhang J*, Nie L*. Instant Ultrasound-Evoked Precise Nanobubble Explosion and Deep Photodynamic Therapy for Tumors Guided by Molecular Imaging. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.2021.13(18):21097-21107. IF 9.229

43.   Ding D, Li S, Xu H, Zhu L, Meng S, Liu J, Lin Q, Leung SW, Sun W*, Li Y*, Chen H*. X-ray-Activated Simultaneous Near-Infrared and Short-Wave Infrared Persistent Luminescence Imaging for Long-Term Tracking of Drug Delivery. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.2021.13(14):16166-16172. IF 9.229

44.   Li J#, Dai S#, Qin R, Shi C, Ming J, Zeng X, Wen X, Zhuang R, Chen X*, Guo Z*, Zhang X*. Ligand Engineering of Titanium-Oxo Nanoclusters for Cerenkov Radiation-Reinforced Photo/Chemodynamic Tumor Therapy. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.2021.13(46):54727-54738. IF 9.229

45.   Zhang HJ#, Su YY#, Xu SL#, Chen GQ, Li CC, Jiang RJ, Liu RH, Ge SX, Zhang J, Xia NS, Quan T*. Asymptomatic and Symptomatic Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Infections in Close Contacts of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Patients: A Seroepidemiological Study. Clinical Infectious Diseases.2021.73(3):553-554. IF 9.079

46.   Li Q#, Chen K#, Huang W, Ma H, Zhao X, Zhang J, Zhang Y, Fang C*, Nie L*. Minimally invasive photothermal ablation assisted by laparoscopy as an effective preoperative neoadjuvant treatment for orthotopic hepatocellular carcinoma. Cancer Letters. 2021. 1;496:169-178. IF 8.679

47.   Zhang L, Shen S, Guo Y, Fang Y*. Forecasting Future Demand of Nursing Staff for the Oldest-Old in China by 2025 Based on Markov Model. International Journal of Health Policy and Management.2021. doi: 10.34172/ijhpm.2021.63.IF 5.007 SSCI

48.   Chiang YC*, Lin YJ, Li X, Lee CY, Zhang S*, Lee TS*, Chang HY*, Wu CC, Yang HJ. Parents' right strategy on preventing youngsters' recent suicidal ideation: a 13-year prospective cohort study. Journal of Mental Health.2021:1-9. IF 4.299 SSCI

49.   Yuan M, Qin F, Zhou Z, Fang Y*. Gender-specific effects of adverse childhood experiences on incidence of activities of daily life disability in middle-age and elderly Chinese population. Child Abuse and Neglect.2021.117:105079. IF 3.928 SSCI

50.   Shi Z#, Lin J#, Xiao J, Fang Y*. Sex differences in the association between latent class of lifestyle and disability among older adults in China.BMC Geriatrics.2021.21(1):188. IF 3.921 SSCI

51.   Han Y, Xue J, Pei W, Fang Y*. Hierarchical structure in the activities of daily living and trajectories of disability prior to death in elderly Chinese individuals. BMC Geriatrics .2021.21(1):522. IF 3.921 SSCI

52.   Zeng Y, Que S, Lin C, Fang Y*. The Expected Demand for Elderly Care Services and Anticipated Living Arrangements Among the Oldest Old in China Based on the Andersen Model. Frontiers in Public Health.2021.9:715586. IF 3.709 SSCI

53.   Yu S#, Rui J#, Cheng X#, Zhao Z#, Liu C, Lin S, Zhu Y, Wang Y, Xu J, Yang M, Liu X, Wang M, Lei Z, Zhao B, Zhao Q*, Zhang X*, Chen T*. Hepatitis E in 24 Chinese Cities, 2008-2018: A New Analysis Method for the Disease's Occupational Characteristics. Frontiers in Public Health.2021.9:720953. IF 3.709 SSCI

54.   Zhang L, Fu S, Fang Y*. Research on Financing Mechanism of Long-Term Care Insurance in Xiamen, China: A System Dynamics Simulation. Frontiers in Public Health.2021.9:714044. IF 3.709 SSCI

55.   Chu M#, Li H#, Lin S, Cai X, Li X, Chen SH, Zhang X, Man Q, Lee CY*, Chiang YC*. Appropriate Strategies for Reducing the Negative Impact of Online Reports of Suicide and Public Opinion From Social Media in China. Frontiers in Public Health.2021.9:756360. IF 3.709 SSCI

56.   Yuan M, Wu Z, Luo B, Sha Y, Zhang H, Bi M*, Fang Y. * Gender-specified mediation of depression between sleep quality and short-term memory in older adults: Study in a semi-closed Island of Xiamen, China. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.2021.36(10):1514-1523. IF 3.485 SSCI

57.   Zeng Y, Wan Y, Yuan Z, Fang Y*. Healthcare-Seeking Behavior among Chinese Older Adults: Patterns and Predictive Factors. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2021.18(6). IF 3.39 SSCI

58.   Chiang YC#*, Chu M#, Zhao Y, Li X, Li A, Lee CY, Hsueh SC*, Zhang S*. Influence of Subjective/Objective Status and Possible Pathways of Young Migrants' Life Satisfaction and Psychological Distress in China. Frontiers in Psychology.2021.12:612317. IF 2.988 SSCI

59.   Chiang YC#*, Chu M#, Lin S#, Cai X#, Chen Q, Wang H, Li A, Rui J, Zhang X, Xie F, Lee CY*, Chen T*. Capturing the Trajectory of Psychological Status and Analyzing Online Public Reactions During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic Through Weibo Posts in China. Frontiers in Psychology..2021.12:744691. IF 2.988 SSCI

60.   Li A#, Wang D#, Lin S, Chu M, Huang S, Lee CY*, Chiang YC*. Depression and Life Satisfaction Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults: Mediation Effect of Functional Disability. Frontiers in Psychology.2021.12:755220. IF 2.988 SSCI

61.   Chiang YC#, Chu M#, Zhang S*. Social factors tend to decline age-standardized all-cause mortality rates in China during 2005-2015: evidence from an ecological study. Public Health.2021.196:158-164. IF 2.427 SSCI

62.   Han Y, Hu K, Wu Y, Fang Y*. Future life expectancy with disability among elderly Chinese individuals: a forecast based on trends in stroke and dementia. Public Health. 2021.198:62-68. IF 2.427 SSCI

63.   Chen X#, Li Y#, Huang Q, Lin X, Wang X, Wang Y, Liu Y, He Q, Liu Y, Wang T*, Ji ZL*, Li Q*. Segmental duplication as potential biomarkers for non-invasive prenatal testing of aneuploidies. EBioMedicine.2021.70:103535. IF 8.143

64.   Du X#, Zhang J#*, Zhang X, Schramm KW, Nan B, Huang Q, Tian M, Shen H*. Persistence and reversibility of arsenic-induced gut microbiome and metabolome shifts in male rats after 30-days recovery duration. Science of the Total Environment.2021.776:145972. IF 7.963

65.   Gao H#, Lin Y#, Wei J, Zhang Y, Pan H, Ren M, Li J, Huang L, Zhang X, Huang Q*, Shen H. A novel extraction protocol of nano-polystyrene from biological samples. Science of the Total Environment.2021.790:148085. IF 7.963

66.   Chen C, Sun M, Liu X, Wu W, Su L, Li Y, Liu G*, Yan X*. General and mild modification of food-derived extracellular vesicles for enhanced cell targeting. Nanoscale.2021.13(5):3061-3069. IF 7.79

67.   Fan X#, Ke #L, Cheng H#, Chen H, Li Z, Ye E*, Loh XJ, Wu YL*, Liu G*, Li Z*. Enhanced drug retention by anthracene crosslinked nanocomposites for bimodal imaging-guided phototherapy. Nanoscale.2021.13(35):14713-14722. IF 7.79

68.   Zhuang CL#, Lin ZJ#, Bi ZF, Qiu LX, Hu FF, Liu XH, Lin BZ, Su YY, Pan HR, Zhang TY, Huang SJ, Hu YM, Qiao YL, Zhu FC*, Wu T*, Zhang J, Xia NS. Inflammation-related adverse reactions following vaccination potentially indicate a stronger immune response. Emerging Microbes & Infections.2021.10(1):365-375. IF 7.163

69.   Wang SJ#, Chen ZM#, Wei M, Liu JQ, Li ZL, Shi TS, Nian S, Fu R, Wu YT, Zhang YL, Wang YB, Zhang TY, Zhang J, Xiong JH*, Tong SP, Ge SX*, Yuan Q, * Xia NS. Specific determination of hepatitis B e antigen by antibodies targeting precore unique epitope facilitates clinical diagnosis and drug evaluation against hepatitis B virus infection. Emerging Microbes & Infections.2021.10(1):37-50. IF 7.163

70.   Huang Y, Li T, Yu H, Tang J, Song Q, Guo X, Wang H, Li C, Wang J, Liang C, Yao X, Qiu L, Zhuang C, Bi Z, Su Y, Wu T, Ge S*, Zhang J*. Maternal CMV seroprevalence rate in early gestation and congenital cytomegalovirus infection in a Chinese population. Emerging Microbes & Infections.2021.10(1):1824-1831. IF 7.163

71.   Yuan L#, Tang Q#, Zhu H, Guan Y, Cheng T*, Xia N*. SARS-CoV-2 infection and disease outcomes in non-human primate models: advances and implications. Emerging Microbes & Infections.2021.10(1):1881-1889. IF 7.163

72.   Che L#, Yang CL#, Chen Y#, Wu ZL, Du ZB, Wu JS, Gan CL, Yan SP, Huang J, Guo NJ, Lin YC*, Lin ZN*. Mitochondrial redox-driven mitofusin 2 S-glutathionylation promotes neuronal necroptosis via disrupting ER-mitochondria crosstalk in cadmium-induced neurotoxicity. Chemosphere.2021.262:127878. IF 7.086

73.   Xu D#, Lin X#, Zeng X#, Wen X, Li J, Li Y, Huang J, Chen X, Guo Z*, Zhang X*. Radioiodinated 4-(p-Iodophenyl) Butanoic Acid-Modified Estradiol Derivative for ER Targeting SPECT Imaging. Analytical Chemistry.2021.93(41):13998-14006. IF 6.986

74.   Jiang H#, Li J#, Shi C, Ming J, Zhang D, Zhuang R, Guo Z*, Zhang X*. Versatile fluorinated Pd@Au nanoplates doped with yttrium for tumor theranostics. Biomaterials Science.2021.9(9):3507-3515. IF 6.843

75.   Lv P#*, Chen X, Fu S, Ren E, Liu C, Liu X, Jiang L, Zeng Y, Wang X, Liu G*. Surface engineering of oncolytic adenovirus for a combination of immune checkpoint blockade and virotherapy. Biomaterials Science.2021.9(22):7392-7401. IF 6.843

76.   Bian DS, Wang XY, Huang JL, Chen XX, Li HW*. Maternal Neu5Ac Supplementation During Pregnancy Improves Offspring Learning and Memory Ability in Rats. Frontiers in Nutrition.2021.8:641027. IF 6.576

77.   Xu J#, Wang J#, He S, Su X, Zhong Z, Zhong W, Yan L, Huang S, Yang J, Gao R, Zhang J, Zeng J, Zhang D, Li T, Zhang S*, Ge S*, Zhang J, Xia N. Accurate nucleic acid quantification in a single sample tube without the need for calibration. Analytica Chimica Acta.2021.1167:338599. IF 6.558

78.   Chen X#, Zhang Q#, Zhang Y, Fang J, Jiang D, Mou Z, Liu H, Su R, Wang C, He F, Chen X*, Xie F*, Pan X*, Li Z*. (18)F-Labelled pyrrolopyrimidines reveal brain leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 expression implicated in Parkinson's disease. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry.2021.214:113245. IF 6.514

79.   Yang Y#, Fan #Z, Zheng K, Shi D, Su G, Ge D, Zhao Q*, Fu X*, Hou Z*. A novel self-targeting theranostic nanoplatform for photoacoustic imaging-monitored and enhanced chemo-sonodynamic therapy. Journal of Materials Chemistry B.2021.9(27):5547-5559. IF 6.331

80.   Qian B, Zen Z, Zheng Z, Wang C, Song J*. A preliminary study on the mechanism of the neurosteroid-mediated ionotropic receptor dysfunction in neurodevelopmental toxicity induced by decabromodiphenyl ether. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety.2021.217:112198. IF 6.291

81.   Li JY#, Tang C#, Zhang M, Fan C, Guo DB, An QY, Wang GS, Xu H, Li Y, Zhang W, Chen XX, Zhao R*.Exploring the Cr(VI) removal mechanism of Sporosarcina saromensis M52 from a genomic perspective. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 225: 112767. IF 6.291

82.   Wang Z, Chen M, Liu JJ, Chen RH, Yu Q, Wang GM, Nie LM*, Huang WH*, Zhang GJ*. Human Serum Albumin Decorated Indocyanine Green Improves Fluorescence-Guided Resection of Residual Lesions of Breast Cancer in Mice. Frontiers in Oncology.2021.11:614050. IF 6.244

83.   He P#, Guan S#, Ren E, Chen H, Chen H, Peng Y, Luo B, Xiong Y, Li B*, Li J*, Mao J*, Liu G*. Precision Interventional Brachytherapy: A Promising Strategy Toward Treatment of Malignant Tumors. Frontiers in Oncology.2021.11:753286. IF 6.244

84.   Xu J#, Wang J#, Su X, Qiu G, Zhong Q, Li T, Zhang D, Zhang S*, He S*, Ge S, Zhang J, Xia N. Transferable, easy-to-use and room-temperature-storable PCR mixes for microfluidic molecular diagnostics. Talanta.2021.235:122797. IF 6.057

85.   Wang C, Zhang L, Mou Z, Feng W, Li Z, Yang H, Chen X, Lv S, Li Z*. Direct (18)F-Labeling of Biomolecules via Spontaneous Site-Specific Nucleophilic Substitution by F(-) on Phosphonate Prostheses. Organic Letters.2021.23(11):4261-4266. IF 6.005

86.   Wang G#, Chen R#, Huang P#, Hong J, Cao J, Wu Q, Zheng W, Lin L, Han Q, Chen Y*, Xia N. Adefovir dipivoxil efficiently inhibits the proliferation of pseudorabies virus in vitro and in vivo. Antiviral Research.2021.186:105014. IF 5.97

87.   Yu W, Fan L, Wang M, Cao B, Hu X*. Pterostilbene Improves Insulin Resistance Caused by Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs) in Hepatocytes and Mice. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research.2021.65(15):e2100321. IF 5.914

88.   Hu S#, Xiong H#, Kang X, Wang S, Zhang T, Yuan Q, Tian D*. Preparation and functional evaluation of monoclonal antibodies targeting Hepatitis B Virus Polymerase. Virulence.2021.12(1):188-194. IF 5.882

89.   Che L#, Wu ZL#, Huang LY#, Wu JS, Du ZB, Lin JX, Su YH, Chen XX, Lin ZN*, Lin YC*. MicroRNA-101 inhibits cadmium-induced angiogenesis by targeting cyclooxygenase-2 in primary human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Biochemical Pharmacology.2021.189:114192. IF 5.858

90.   Xiong HL#, Cao JL#, Shen CG, Ma J, Qiao XY, Shi TS, Ge SX, Ye HM, Zhang J, Yuan Q*, Zhang TY*, Xia NS*. Several FDA-Approved Drugs Effectively Inhibit SARS-CoV-2 Infection in vitro. Frontiers in Pharmacology.2020.11:609592. IF 5.81

91.   Li D#*, Pan J#, Xu S, Fu S, Chu C, Liu G*. Activatable Second Near-Infrared Fluorescent Probes: A New Accurate Diagnosis Strategy for Diseases. Biosensors (Basel).2021.11(11). IF 5.519

92.   Sun YP#, Zheng XY#, Zhang HX, Zhou XM, Lin XZ, Zheng ZZ, Zhang J, Su YY*, Zhou YL*. Epidemiology of Respiratory Pathogens Among Children Hospitalized for Pneumonia in Xiamen: A Retrospective Study. Infectious Diseases and Therapy.2021.10(3):1567-1578. IF 5.322

93.   Wang P#, Sun W#, Guo J, Zhang K, Liu Y, Jiang Q*, Su D*, Sun X*. One pot synthesis of zwitteronic 99mTc doped ultrasmall iron oxide nanoparticles for SPECT/T1-weighted MR dual-modality tumor imaging. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces.2021.197:111403. IF 5.268

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