


我院客座教授朱桦获得第五届Nature's Colors摄影大赛特等奖





恭喜我院客座教授朱桦获得第五届Nature's Colors摄影大赛特等奖,2012Nature's Colors摄影大赛由索尼赞助举办,朱桦教授的作品拍摄于加拿大的阿西尼博因山省立公园,位于不列颠哥伦比亚省和阿尔伯塔省的交界处。由于该公园没有通公路,所以很好的保存了其自然风光和荒野景象。(http://www.outdoorphotographer.com/photo-contests/5th-annual-natures-colors.html




1993      PhD,生物化学,哥伦比亚大学

1993-1998 博士后,病毒学,普林斯顿大学

1998-     助理教授-副教授(2005)美国新泽西医科和牙科大学,微生物&分子遗传学系





Selected Publications

1. Marchini, A., H. Liu, and H. Zhu.  2001.  Human cytomegalovirus with IE-2 (UL122) deleted fails to express early lytic genes. Journal of Virology 75, 1870-1878.

2. Wang, W., S.L. Taylor, S.A. Leisenfelder, R. Morton, J.F. Moffat, S. Smirnov, and H. Zhu.  2005.  Human cytomegalovirus genes in the 15-Kb region are required for viral replication in implanted human tissues in SCID mice.  Journal of Virology. 79, 2115-2123.

3. Netterwald, J., S. Yang, W. Wang, S. Ghanny, M. Cody, P. Soteropoulos, B. Tian, W. Dunn, F. Liu, and H. Zhu.  2005.  Two GAS-like elements in the human cytomegalovirus major immediate-early promoter/enhancer are important for viral replication. Journal of Virology.  79, 5935-5046.

4. Zhang, Z., J. Rowe, W. Wang, M. Sommer, A. Arvin, J. Moffat, H. Zhu. 2007. Genetic Analysis of Varicella Zoster Virus ORF0 to 4 Using A Novel Luciferase Bacterial Artificial Chromosome System. Journal of Virology. 81, 9024-33.

5. Zhang, Z., A. Selariu, C. Warden, G. Huang, Y. Huang, O. Zaccheus, T. Chen, N. Xia, H. Zhu. 2010. Genome-wide mutagenesis reveals that ORF7 is a novel VZV skin-tropic factor. PLoS Pathogens. 6(7), e1000971.

6. Zhang, Z., Y. Huang, and H. Zhu. 2010. An Efficient Protocol for VZV BAC-Based Mutagenesis. P75-86. In Methods in Molecular Biology, J. Braman (ed.), Humana Press.

Warden, C., Q. Tang, H. Zhu. 2010. Herpesvirus BACs: Past, Present, and Future. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology. 2011, 1-16.

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