









Weare pleased to inform you, that HKU Summer Institute is launching an additionalsummer opportunity - Laboratory Exchange Summer Programme, exclusively targeting at studentsfrom mainland Chinese institutions.

Aseries of residential laboratory exchange programme will be offered this summerfor undergraduate and research postgraduate students from universities inmainland China. The goal of this series is to provide students with theopportunity to pursue research projects with world-class scientists of HKU onground-breaking topics.

Participantswill conduct research work under the supervision of at least one memberof the University's professoriate/research staff. Research areas cover issueson engineering, medicine, chemistry, biology and physical chemistry. Theprogramme is organised by HKU Graduate School. Information on the supervisorsand research areas is available below:

Programme period

August 2 – 16, 2015

Target students

Undergraduate or research postgraduate students enrolled in a tertiary institution in mainland China, with the interest of pursuing MPhil/PhD studies

Programme fee


(includes housing, social and cultural activities in Hong Kong)

Application deadline*

May 6, 2015


Click here

*Applicationwill be accepted till end of May, but priority will be given to students whoapply by the application deadline.

Enclosedplease find a list of supervisors hosting programmes at HKU for your kindreference. We would appreciate your kind assistance in disseminatingprogramme information to interested students at your institution.

Shouldyou have any enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact Mr Henry Lam from ourOffice at henry.lam@hku.hk. Thankyou very much

2015 lab exchange - hosting investigators.pdf

sp poster 2015 (e-version).jpg

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