


学术报告(Sabu Padmadas教授)





讲座题目:Forecasting the global disease burden with a focus on China: demographic assumptions and explanations
主讲人: Sabu Padmadas教授(南安普顿大学 全球卫生中心主任)
时间:2014年11月27日  13:30-14:30
Sabu Padmadas教授简历网址: http://www.southampton.ac.uk/demography/about/staff/ssp.page#research
Primary position:Sabu S PadmadasProfessor of Demography and Global Health
Other positions:Co-Director of GHP3 (Centre for Global Health, Population, Poverty & Policy)Research Interests
My primary research interests are in the field of demography, epidemiology and public health. Specific areas include: contraceptive dynamics, reproductive and child health, nutrition (women and children), population projections, life course epidemiology and population health policies.

UNFPA China Family Planning/Reproductive Health Programme

I am involved in the monitoring and evaluation of a large-scale reproductive health and family planning programme of the UNFPA in China (with James Brown). We completed evaluation of the Fourth (1998–2002) and Fifth Country programmes (2003–2005) and the evaluation of Sixth Country Programme (2006–2010) is currently in progress. The project is based in the Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute. We work together with the colleagues from the China Population Development Research Centre of the National Population and Family Planning Commission and the National Centre for Women and Children's Health, Chinese Centre for Disease Control  within the Ministry of Health of the PR Government of China.

External Research & Peer-review Services

Editorial Board Member, Journal of BioSocial Science
Member, ESRC Peer Review College


Lancet, Population Studies, International Family Planning Perspectives, American Journal of Epidemiology, Social Science & Medicine, Applied Statistics, Health Policy & Planning, American Journal of Public Health, Health and Place, Bulletin of the World Health Organization, European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, European Journal of Population, Public Health Nutrition, Journal of Biosocial Sciences, American Journal of Human Biology, Sociological Methods and Research, Population, Space and Place, Annals of Human Biology, Health Education, BMC Paediatrics, AIDS & Behaviour, World Economy.

Research project

Pathfinder Collaborative Analyses of Microdata Resources

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