

江宜珍 副教授

















1. Meijie Chu#, Chun-Yang Lee#, Shiling Huang#, Xiaoke Zhang, Lijie Wang, Tianmu Chen, Yi-Chen Chiang*. Improving responsible media reporting on student suicide to reduce negative public opinion: Text mining based on Sina Weibo. OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying 2024 (online published). [SSCI].

2. Shiling Huang#, Xian Li#, Shih-Han Chen, Zhiwei Fang, Chun-Yang Lee*, Yi-Chen Chiang*. Enhancing academic self-efficacy on decreasing adolescents’ unmonitored internet usage and depressive mood. Heliyon 2024 10(1):  e23286. [SCI](doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e23286)

3. Xian Li#, Shih-Han Chen#, Chun-Yang Lee#, An Li, Min Gao, Xinlan Cai, Shao-Chieh Hsueh*, Yi-Chen Chiang*. Mediating effects of academic self-efficacy and depressive symptoms on prosocial/antisocial behavior among youths. Prevention Science 2023 (online published). [SSCI](doi:10.1007/s11121-023-01611-4)

4. Meijie Chu#, Honghao Ma#, Chun-Yang Lee#, Zeyu Zhao, Tianmu Chen, Shuoxun Zhang*, Yi-Chen Chiang*. Effect of online and offline social network group clusters on life satisfaction from a lifespan perspective. Heliyon 2023 9(5): e16176. [SCI] (doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e16176)

5. 林满治,褚美洁,李贤,方芷薇,马宏浩,王鹏钧,毛立,江宜珍*. 基于决策树和logistic回归模型的中学生吸烟影响因素分析。预防医学论坛 2023; 29(11): 839-845. [中国生物医学核心期刊]

6. Manzhi Lin†, Meijie Chu†, Xian Li, Honghao Ma, Zhiwei Fang, Li Mao, Pengjun Wang, Tianmu Chen, Yi-Chen Chiang*. Factors influencing adolescent experimental and current smoking behaviors based on social cognitive theory: A cross-sectional study in Xiamen. Frontiers in Public Health 2023; 11: 1093264. [SCI, SSCI](doi:10.3389/fpubh.2023.1093264)

7. Chi-Chen Chen, Yi-Chen Chiang, Yi-Chieh Lin, Shou-Hsia Cheng*. Continuity of Care and Coordination of Care: Can they Be Differentiated? International Journal of Integrated Care, 2023; 23(1): 10, 1-14. [SCI, SSCI](doi:10.5334/ijic.6467)

8. Meijie Chu†, Chun-Yang Lee†, Xian Li†, Zeyu Zhao, An Li, Min Gao, Yi-Chen Chiang*. Association of Friendly Context and Reducing Health Risk Behaviors among Adolescents: A Cross-National Study in Europe, North America, and China. Journal of School Health 2023. [SCI, SSCI](doi:10.1111/josh.13331)

9. Xian Li†, Min Gao†, Meijie Chu†, Shiling Huang, Zhiwei Fang, Tianmu Chen, Chun-Yang Lee*, Yi-Chen Chiang*. Promoting the well-being of rural elderly people for longevity among different birth generations: A healthy lifestyle perspective. Frontiers in Public Health 2023; 11: 1050789. [SCI, SSCI](doi:10.3389/fpubh.2023.1050789)

10. Meijie Chu#, Zhiwei Fang#, Chun-Yang Lee#, Yi-Han Hu, Xian Li, Shih-Han Chen, Tianmu Chen, Xuehui Chen*, Yi-Chen Chiang*. Collaboration between school and home to improve subjective well-being: A new Chinese Children’s Subjective Well-being Scale. Child Indicators Research 2023; 1-26. [SSCI](doi:10.1007/s12187-023-10018-0)

11. Meijie Chu#, Chun-Yang Lee#, Lamu Suona, Min Gao, Tianmu Chen, Shuoxun Zhang, Yi-Chen Chiang *. Improving the sense of city belonging Among migrant elderly following family from an elderly service perspective: a cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health 2022; 22(1):2032. [SCI](doi:10.1186/s12889-022-14445-6)

12. Min Gao, Xian Li†, Chun-Yang Lee†, Honghao Ma, Tianmu Chen, Shuoxun Zhang*, Yi-Chen Chiang*. Sleep duration and depression among adolescents: mediation effect of collective integration. Frontiers in Psychology 2022; 13: 1015089. [SCI, SSCI](doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1015089)

13. Xian Li, Chun-Yang Lee#, Shih-Han Chen#, Min Gao, Shao-Chieh Hsueh*, Yi-Chen Chiang*. The role of collective integration and parental involvement on adolescent anxiety—A multilevel analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders 2022; 317: 37-45. [SCI, SSCI](doi:10.1016/j.jad.2022.08.053)

14. Yi-Chen Chiang*, Da-Rui Gao#, Chun-Yang Lee#, Xian Li, Xin-Ying Sun, Ching-Tsao Chen*. Influence of promoting an “age-friendly cities” strategy on psychological capital and social engagement based on the scenario method. Journal of Aging & Social Policy 2022; 1-23. [SSCI](doi:10.1080/08959420.2022.2110805)

15. Yu-Jung Lin, Xian Li#, Chun-Yang Lee#, Wen-Chi Wu, Hao-Jan Yang*, Yi-Chen Chiang*. Interaction effects between social network indicators (in/out-degree centrality) and humor expressions in experiences of being bullied among adolescents. 中华心理卫生学刊 2022; 35(4):347-379. (全英文稿) [TSSCI]

16. Xian Li, Chun-Yang Lee#, Yu-Jung Lin#, Meijie Chu, Xiaorui Qin, Shi Zhang, Shuoxun Zhang*, Yi-Chen Chiang*. Moderating effects of teachers’ praise/criticism on the bullying of vulnerable students among teenagers. Current Psychology 2022; 1-15. [SSCI](doi:10.1007/s12144-022-03032-y)

17. Yi-Chen Chiang†,*, Xian Li†, Chun-Yang Lee†, Chi-Chen Wu, Hsing-Yi Chang*, Shuoxun Zhang*. Effects of social attachment on experimental drug use from childhood to adolescence: an 11-year prospective cohort study. Frontiers in Public Health 2022; 10: 818894. [SCI, SSCI](doi:10.3389/fpubh.2022.818894)

18. Zhuoyang Li#, Shengnan Lin#, Jia Rui#, Yao Bai#, Bin Deng, Qiuping Chen, Yuanzhao Zhu, Li Luo, Shanshan Yu, Weikang Liu, Shi Zhang, Yanhua Su, Benhua Zhao, Hao Zhang, Yi-Chen Chiang*, Jianhua Liu*, Kaiwei Luo*, Tianmu Chen*. An easy-to-use public health driven method (the Generalized Logistic Differential Equation Model) accurately simulated COVID-19 epidemic in Wuhan and correctly determined the early warning time. Frontiers in Public Health 2022; 10: 813860. [SCI, SSCI](doi:10.3389/fpubh.2022.813860)

19. Meijie Chu, Hongye Li#, Shengnan Lin, Xinlan Cai, Xian Li, Shihhan Chen, Xiaoke Zhang, Qingli Man, Chun-Yang Lee*, Yi-Chen Chiang*. Appropriate Strategies for Reducing the Negative Impact of Online Reports of Suicide and Public Opinion From Social Media in China. Frontiers in Public Health 2021; 9: 756360. [SCI, SSCI](doi:10.3389/fpubh.2021.756360)

20. An Li, Dewen Wang#, Shengnan Lin#, Meijie Chu, Shiling Huang, Chun-Yang Lee*, Yi-Chen Chiang*. Depression and life satisfaction among middle-aged and older adults: mediation effect of functional disability. Frontiers in Psychology 2021; 12: 755220. [SSCI](doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.755220)

21. Yi-Chen Chiang*, Yu-Jung Lin#, Xian Li#, Chun-Yang Lee, Shuoxun Zhang*, Tony Szu-Hsien Lee*, Hsing-Yi Chang*, Chi-Chen Wu, Hao-Jan Yang. Parents’ right strategy on preventing youngsters’ recent suicidal ideation: a 13-year prospective cohort study. Journal of Mental Health 2021; 31(3), 374-382. [SSCI](doi:10.1080/09638237.2021.1979490)

22. Yi-Chen Chiang*, Meijie Chu#, Shengnan Lin#, Xinlan Cai#, Qing Chen, Hongshuai Wang, An Li, Jia Rui, Xiaoke Zhang, Fang Xie, Chun-Yang Lee*, Tianmu Chen*. Capturing the trajectory of psychological status and analyzing online public reactions during the COVID-19 pandemic through Weibo posts in China. Frontiers in Psychology 2021; 12: 744691. [SSCI](doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.744691)

23. Yi-Chen Chiang, Da-Rui Gao#, Xian Li#, Chun-Yang Lee, Xin-Ying Sun, Ching-Tsao Chen*. Effect of Urban Transformation and the “Age-Friendly City” Strategy on the Improvement of Residents’ Subjective Well-Being: Simulation Based on the Scenario Method. Journal of Urban Planning and Development 2021; 147(4): 04021044. [SCI, SSCI].(doi:10.1061/(ASCE)UP.1943-5444.0000740)

24. Yi-Chen Chiang, Meijie Chu#, Shuoxun Zhang*. Social factors tend to decline age-standardized all-cause mortality rates in China during 2005-2015: Evidence from an ecological study. Public Health 2021; 196: 158-164. [SCI, SSCI](doi:10.1016/j.puhe.2021.04.034)

25. Yi-Chen Chiang, Meijie Chu#, Yuchen Zhao, Xian Li, An Li, Chun-Yang Lee*, Shao-Chieh Hsueh*, Shuoxun Zhang*. Influence of Subjective/Objective Status and Possible Pathways of Young Migrants’ Life Satisfaction and Psychological Distress in China. Frontiers in Psychology 2021; 12: 612317. [SSCI](doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.612317)

26. Shengnan Lin, Jia Rui#, Qiuping Chen#, Bin Zhao, Shanshan Yu, Zhuoyang Li, Zeyu Zhao, Yao Wang, Yuanzhao Zhu, Jingwen Xu, Meng Yang, Xingchun Liu, Tianlong Yang, Li Luo, Bin Deng, Jiefeng Huang, Chan Liu, Peihua Li, Weikang Liu, Fang Xie, Yong Chen, Yanhua Su, Benhua Zhao*, Yi-Chen Chiang*, Tianmu Chen*. Effectiveness of potential antiviral treatments in COVID-19 transmission control: a modelling study. Infectious Diseases of Poverty 2021; 10: 53. [SCI].(doi:10.1186/s40249-021-00835-2)

27. Yi-Chen Chiang, Xian Li#, Chun-Yang Lee#, Jia Rui, Chiung-Wen Hu, Hao-Jan Yang, Szu-Chieh Chen, Tianmu Chen, Yanhua Su*, Chung-Yih Kuo*, Shao-Chieh Hsueh*. Protective equipment and health education program could benefit students from dust pollution. Air Quality Atmosphere and Health 2021; 14: 371-380. [SCI](doi:10.1007_s11869-020-00942-3)

28. Chun-Yang Lee, Yi-Chen Chiang*#, An Li#, Xian Li, Yao-Ting Wu, Yu-Jung Lin, Yuchen Zhao, and Xiaoke Zhang. Influence of humor expression on suicidal ideation among adolescents: mediating effects of depressive emotion and positive emotion. BMC Psychiatry 2020; 20: 421. [SCI](doi:10.1186/s12888-020-02814-7)

29. 林怡洁、陈启祯、江宜珍、郑守夏:病患观点之门诊照护连续性与照护协调性的测量工具:台湾版问卷发展与信效度分析。测验学刊 2020; 67(1): 1-30. [TSSCI]

30. Yi-Chen Chiang, Chun-Yang Lee#, Shao-Chieh Hsueh*. Happiness or hopelessness in late life: A cluster RCT of the 3L-Mind-Training programme among the institutionalized older people. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2020; 76: 312–323. [SCI, SSCI](doi:10.1111/jan.14104)

31. 江宜珍*、李均扬#、褚美洁#、李贤、林胜男、江丰光:从禁用到善用:高校教师与学生对“互联网+智能手机”于课堂应用的定性研究。维多利亚老品牌vic119学报 2018;哲学社会科学版:教学研究专辑: 330-340 [CSSCI, 一类核心]

32. Yi-Chen Chiang, Hao-Jan Yang, Szu-Chieh Chen, Chiung-Wen Hu, Ching-Tsan Tsai, Dian-Jheng Lai, Chung-Yih Kuo*. Inhalation Exposure of Children to Indoor PM 10 and Associated Metals during River-Dust Episodes. Air Quality Atmosphere and Health 2017; 10(3): 381-388. [SCI](doi:10.1007/s11869-016-0426-z)

33. Chao-Chia Hung, Hsin-Yi Chang*, Yi-Chen Chiang, Wen-Chi Wu, Lee-Lan Yen. Factors Associated with Levels of Risky Drinking in Adolescent Alcohol Users in Taiwan: A Secondary Data Analysis. Journal of Nursing Research 2017; 25(2): 163-172. [SCI; SSCI; TSSCI](doi:10.1097/JNR.0000000000000151)

34. Yi-Chen Chiang, Chun-Yang Lee*, Hong-Huei Wang. Effects of classroom humor climate and acceptance of humor messages on adolescents’ expressions of humor. Child & Youth Care Forum 2016; 45(4): 543–569. [SSCI](doi:10.1007/s10566-015-9345-7)

35. Yi-Chen Chiang, Fung-Yu Chung, Chun-Yang Lee, Huei-Lin Shih, Dai-Chan Lin, Ming-Been Lee*. Suicide reporting on front pages of major newspapers in Taiwan violating reporting recommendations between 2001 and 2012. Health Communication 2016; 31(11): 1395-1404. [SSCI]

36. Chun-Te Lee, Yi-Chen Chiang, Jing-Yang Huang, Disline Manli Tantoh, Oswald Ndi Nfor, Jia-Fu Lee, Cheng-Chen Chang, Yung-Po Liaw*. Incidence of major depressive disorder: variation by age and sex in low-income individuals - a population-based 10-year follow-up study. Medicine 2016; 95(15): e3110. [SCI]

37. Wen-Chi Wu, Fu-Li Chen, Lee-Lan Yen, Yi-Chen Chiang*. Reactions to Teasing and Their Relationship with Adolescent Mental Health. Bulletin of Educational Psychology (教育心理学报) 2016; 47(4): 629-50. (全英文稿) [TSSCI](doi:10.6251/BEP.20150602)

38. Wen-Chi Wu, Dih-Lin Luh, Ching-I Lin, Yi-Chen Chiang, Chao-Chia Hung, Sabrina Wang, Chi-Chen Wu, Baai-Shyun Hurng, Yi-Han Chang, Lee-Lan Yen, Hsing-Yi Chang*. Reciprocal relationship between unhealthy eating behaviors and depressive symptoms from childhood to adolescence: 10-year follow-up of the Child and Adolescent Behaviors in Long-Term Evolution study. Public Health Nutrition 2016; 19(9): 1654-1665. [SCI]

39. 江宜珍、石蕙菱、张芳瑜、李均扬、李明滨*、林岱婵:2001~2012年台湾主要报纸头版报导自杀新闻违反六不六要准则之探讨。自杀防治网通讯 2015; 10(3): 3-5。

40. Yi-Chen Chiang, Huei-Lin Shih, Yu-Yun Hsu, Dai-Chan Lin, Chun-Yang Lee*. Effectiveness of a mind training and positive psychology program on coping skills in schoolchildren in Taiwan. Journal of Child & Adolescent Behavior 2015; 3: 246. (doi:10.4172/2375-4494.1000246)

41. Yi-Chen Chiang, Dai-Chan Lin, Chun-Yang Lee, Meng-Chih Lee*. Effects of parenting role and parent-child interaction on infant motor development in Taiwan Birth Cohort Study. Early Human Development 2015; 91: 259-64. [SCI](doi:10.1016/j.earlhumdev.2015.02.005)

42. Yi-Chen Chiang, Hui-Shan Sheng, Wen-Chi Wu*, Lee-Lan Yen. Clusters of Humor Expression and Relative Factors among Junior High School Students in Taiwan. Bulletin of Educational Psychology (教育心理学报) 2014;46(2): 289-310. (全英文稿) [TSSCI](doi:10.6251/BEP.20140401)

43. 林妤容、吴文琪、李均扬、林岱婵、江宜珍(通讯作者):台湾初中生班级社会网络指标及位置与被霸凌经验之关系。台湾公共卫生杂志 2014; 33(4): 397-409. [TSSCI; 综合类期刊; 于2014年已收录为台湾科技部人文及社会科学研究发展司,管理一学门中医务管理领域之「推荐期刊」名单中,并为台湾地区医务管理领域排名第一名之中文期刊] (本论文荣获当期「推荐阅读」文章)(doi:10.6288/TJPH201433103028)

44. Yi-Chen Chiang, Tony Szu-Hsien Lee, Lee-Lan Yen, Chi-Chen Wu, Dai-Chan Lin, Baai-Shyun Hurng, Hsing-Yi Chang*. Influence of stressors and possible pathways of onset of seventh graders’ suicidal ideation in urban and rural areas in Taiwan. BMC Public Health 2013, 13:1233. [SCI](doi:10.1186/1471-2458-13-1233)(本论文荣获由「台湾青少年医学暨保健学会」举办之2014年「玛里士青少年杰出论文奖」)

45. Ya-Chi Chang, Yi-Chen Chiang*. Classification of main reasons for suicide identified by suicide survivors and their psychological impact and response patterns in Taiwan. Chung Shan Medical Journal 2013; 24: 12-26. [TSCI]

46. 江宜珍、李兰*、吴文琪、邱玉蝉、郑其嘉、盛慧珊:「台湾青少年幽默测量工具」之发展与编制。测验学刊 2011; 专刊(正向心理特质的测量): 179-205.[TSSCI]

47. Chao-Chia Hung, Yi-Chen Chiang, Hsing-Yi Chang, Lee-Lan Yen*. Path of socialization and cognitive factors’ effects on adolescents’ alcohol use in Taiwan. Addictive Behaviors 2011; 36: 807-13. [SCI, SSCI](doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2011.03.004)

48. Yi-Chen Chiang, Chun-Kai Fang, Dai-Chan Lin, Yu-Yun Hsu, Sheue-Rong Lin, Ming-Neng Shiu, Shu-Chen Kao, Chuan-Chuan Fang. Effectiveness of a new gatekeeper training program for suicide prevention in Taiwan. Chinese Mental Health Journal 2011; 25(9) Suppl: 194-5.

49. Chun-Kai Fang, Yi-Chen Chiang, Hsueh-Wen Hsiao, Sheue-Rong Lin, Ming-Neng Shiu, Shu-Chen Kao, Chuan-Chuan Fang. To promote a new gatekeeper model in Taiwan: Preliminary acceptance rate in three different groups. Chinese Mental Health Journal 2011; 25(9) Suppl: 322-3.

50. 萧朱杏、江宜珍*:评论:台湾地区自杀身亡率及其相关因素之研究:1997-2003。台湾公共卫生杂志 2010; 29(3): 216-7。[TSSCI; 综合类期刊; 于2014年已收录为台湾科技部人文及社会科学研究发展司,管理一学门中医务管理领域之「推荐期刊」名单中,并为医务管理领域排名第一名之中文期刊]

51. 李兰*、江宜珍、邱玉蝉、郑其嘉、吴文琪、杨蕙如:国中生的幽默概念及表现类型:焦点团体讨论结果。台湾公共卫生杂志2008; 27(6): 519-29。[TSSCI; 综合类期刊; 于2014年已收录为台湾科技部人文及社会科学研究发展司,管理一学门中医务管理领域之「推荐期刊」名单中,并为台湾地区医务管理领域排名第一名之中文期刊]

52. 江宜珍、李兰*:不容忽视的警讯:儿童的自杀意念。台湾忧郁症防治协会通讯 2007; 6(5): 9-12.

53. 江宜珍、吴肖琪*、李兰:台湾北部国小四年级学童曾经发生自杀意念之相关因素研究。台湾公共卫生杂志2005; 24(6): 471-82。[TSSCI; 综合类期刊; 于2014年已收录为台湾科技部人文及社会科学研究发展司,管理一学门中医务管理领域之「推荐期刊」名单中,并为台湾地区医务管理领域排名第一名之中文期刊]


1. 龙倩、江宜珍(共同作者,主写1章内容)、张璐莹、邱亨嘉(主编)、陈英耀、袁蓓蓓、康正、郭昱君、黄奕祥(副主编)、傅虹桥、潘杰:健康服务研究方法。北京:人民卫生出版社,2023。(ISBN: 978711734531)

2. 江宜珍、蔡心澜。何为“幸福’。金门:金门乡谊,2022。(CM-35(0),第0005号)

3. 李兰*、晏涵文、陈富莉、陆玓玲、吴文琪、江宜珍(共同作者,主写2章内容):健康行为与健康教育。台北:巨流,2010。(ISBN: 9789577323552)

4. 江宜珍(第一作者兼总编辑)、方俊凯、利美萱、熊蕙筠、陈莉榛:幸福捕手、嘿皮人生 GO!GO!GO! <民众篇>。台北:新北市政府卫生局,2010/11。(ISBN: 978-986-02-5423-5; GPN: 1009903815)。

5. 江宜珍(第一作者兼总编辑)、方俊凯、利美萱、熊蕙筠、蔡富杰:幸福捕手、嘿皮人生 GO!GO!GO! <学子篇>。台北:新北市政府卫生局,2010/11。(ISBN: 978-986-02-5424-2; GPN: 1009903829)。

6. 江宜珍(第一作者兼总编辑)、方俊凯、利美萱、熊蕙筠、杨聪财、陈莉榛、蔡富杰、杨晓青、林绮云、胡廷薇:幸福捕手、嘿皮人生 GO!GO!GO! <捕手版教战手册>。台北:新北市政府卫生局,2010/11。(ISBN: 978-986-02-5422-8; GPN: 1009903831)。

C. 专利

1. 江宜珍、褚美洁、李贤、蔡心澜。《转念智多星》游戏软件。中华人民共和国国家版权局计算机软件著作权(登记号:2023SR1062939)。

2. 江宜珍、李贤、褚美洁、吴国平、芮佳。《桌游卡牌(心睛晓赞)》。中华人民共和国(外观设计)专利号ZL 2021 3 0718226.6。

3. 江宜珍、赖铨裕、郭崇义、林岱婵、徐毓芸、王虹惠。防沙衣。中华人民共和国实用新型专利。专利证号:ZL 2011 2 0318251.6。